What made you happy today?


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Seeing that there is going to be a new Moomin show comming in 2 years! (This happened yesterday, but I wanted to wait so that I won't end up making a double post.)

I finally managed to summon Camilla in Fire Emblem Heroes, after trying for who knows how long, and I got her at five stars!!

I went swing dancing yesterday and it was very fun.

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I did cheap peel off face masks with my friends earlier and my face still feels super smooth and soft

My Tamagotchi V5 evolved into adults today, and I got Mumutchi, which is good because I had been wanting to try and get the Meme Family.

The wonderful almost-always sunny weather and a walk to and from the grocery store with my wife.

Also juice boxes were on sale today: 6 of them for just $1! So we bought 20 of them.

Juice makes me happy. Lots of things make me happy.

I slept for 7 hours on a school night. Legit. What. As an IB student!

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