What made you happy today?


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One of the library branches near me carry the BH6 manga that I've been wanting to read! ^_^

I'm BH6 trash cAN YOU TELL

More Precure stuff to my collection. Requires waiting... but more waiting is worth the wait. I got some of the *Big ticket* items on my list. Buying them before the holiday rush for shipping/clogging.

I was told today I've got an interview to be a junior hairdresser tomorrow. I'm so excited and nervous

I got my ears pierced! And afterwards I was able to head over to Hottopic and get some adorable Ravenclaw earrings for when my ears heal! :D (I was also able to get a Dream Town TF and I am enjoying it so much. ^_^ )


Everything about this makes me happy. :)

My motivation for digital drawing came back! Is this Christmas magic?? I had been drawing for quite long yesterday, because I actually had fun drawing this time. The deadline I set (the drawing has to be ready before Christmas Eve) seems to help too, because I'm already more than halfway done with the art piece. :lol:

Found a copy of Another World at a thrift store today, bad news being I need to fix my DVD drive or get en external one.

My physics exam didn't go as poorly as I feared thought, it actually went better than expected! On a scale from 4 to 10, I got a 7. With a plus. And here I thought I'd get a 5 instead.

Oh wow that is so funny! :D They should've given them a more advanced tamagotchi, and told them about the sound off button! I still don't understand why they think the sound is that annoying.

Anyway, I have realized my V6 is arriving tomorrow, and I'm chapters away from finishing my novel!

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