Mmm...Sounds like Edward Elric. xDi like a guy who is short, blonde, smart, slightly emo, and has a metal arm and leg.
O.O lol~!I know I was funny smart and cute but there is more I like, I was just stating the ones in the poll.
Here is random things I like in guys:
Gets Jealous easily
Long Hair (I do like short too :])
Ya I think its cute when they get jealous too <3O.O lol~!You like a guy that gets jealous easily? xP~♥
Interesting! Not many girls like that in a guy! x) lol
Iunno, my boyfriend gets jealous pretty easily too. x]~♥
It's cute, but sometimes unnecessary.
But I shouldn't talk, I get jealous easily too. @.@" lawl
I know same here!Nice, funny and cute xDmy current crush hates me. =o
Why does he hate you? :/I know same here!I want to at least make him like me as a friend, not hate me so much. He doesn't really hate me I guess, but sometimes he acts that way.