What is your religeon?


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I am Christian. I pray rarely cause i dont go to church as often as i used to.

Amen samizer0313

P.S. I am not one of those people that dont like people because of their religion.


I believe in the BIBLE. I'm not Baptist or Methodist or something like that.

Just Christian ;)



Im AtheistI think it would be cool to study Wicca I wanna try it :(

Not to sound like a poser or anything Xp
I am Wiccan.

Have been for 7 years.

If you want a good book to start off with, try Teen Witch (Wicca for a New Generation) by Silver Ravenwolf.

I don't have a religion =l
Same for me. I find them boring and slightly stressful. I hate being part of a group as well. Though, i have nothing against anyone with a religeon, just in my opinion, i think they are hard to understand. Plus, i'm not all for sitting in church all day. People with a religeon, please dont be mad at me. I totally support everyones beliefs, But i support my own to.

Christians and Catholics are the same thing!! :lol:

:mellow: """
Kind of. You see, Catholic is a type of christan. They are often mixed up, but they are not EXACTLY the same. Quite simmilar though. :mellow:

I am an athiest. But that doesn't mean I'm not open to other people's religions or anything! I just don't really believe in god, or any of the easier to practice religions, and I haven't got the time to pray or anything. P:

i'm a spiritualist.

i've been looking into wicca though...

I'm a Lutheran Christian.

But then again I shouldn't have come here anyway because I tend to flame a lot when it comes to religion.....

So God bless you all, etc.

:mimitchi: Sounds fun.
:D I wanna try!! :D :) ;)
Wicca is not something to "try out" just for fun.

Although it is fun to practice, it is a serious religion, just like any other.

Blessed be.

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I'm Christian. I rarely go to Church though but I do pray to god in my head (it's nice to turn to god when there's no one else to turn to)


I practice every day. I can kinda tell the future.

I'm also a spiritualist, and I try to talk to my dead grandfather

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Same for me. I find them boring and slightly stressful. I hate being part of a group as well. Though, i have nothing against anyone with a religeon, just in my opinion, i think they are hard to understand. Plus, i'm not all for sitting in church all day. People with a religeon, please dont be mad at me. I totally support everyones beliefs, But i support my own to.
Religion isn't just sitting in church all day. I dont even go to church. Many religions don't go to a church, or anything simular

Yay I have a friend now :D
You don't need just a buddhist for friendships you know :D

(it's not a competitition to see how many Christians versus Jews / Buddhists / Muslims / Atheists can post in this thread).

I am happy to be friends with anyone - no matter what their race colour or creed may be. That's the way a lot of people are here on TamaTalk :)

^ I agree with you. All my best friends have different religions (apart from one) but I respect others beliefs and hey, variety is the spice of life! :D

(Although I don't think ilovekuchipa555 meant it like that - she just meant it as a kind of joke, if you know what I mean!)

Hmmm... I am an atheist, but atheism is not a religion any more than monotheism. Both just describe differing views on the position of existence and number of gods. Atheism describes the position there are no gods.

I guess its a toss up between a humanist and an Unitarian Universalist.

I respect every perwson's right to their own beleifs, though. If you don't try to cram your religion down my throat, and don't try to force me to celebrate holidays like Christmas your way, I have no problem letting you believe what you want.

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