what is your opinion on school uniforms


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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So what is your opinion on uniforms? I both hate them and love them.I hate them because you cant show your personality and wear what you want.I love them because you dont have to worry about your friends liking your shirt and etc.

p.s if you have a uniform school what does your uniform look like?

I love the school uniforms that they show in Japanese anime (cute skirts, loose socks!), but I've never gone to a school where you have to wear a uniform, so I don't know. :(




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I love the school uniforms that they show in Japanese anime (cute skirts, loose socks!), but I've never gone to a school where you have to wear a uniform, so I don't know. ^_^  


[SIZE=13pt] >:3 Of course...Anime usually over exaggerates with their girl uniforms xD...Like mini-skirts? wtf. lol[/SIZE]


:eek: But I've never had to wear a uniform before. So I'm not sure what it's like. :p

But I think I would like choosing my outfits, apposed to being forced to wear the same thing everyday. D:

I wear uniform, and I love it! It's great because you don't have to spend ages deciding what to wear. And I really like mine. It's a navy polo shirt with a green jumper and a navy & green skirt with white socks and black pumps, but you can still be individual and customise it and choose your own bag & stuff! At the new school that I'm going to, the uniform is a white shirt with a red & black tie with a beige skirt, white socks and black shoes. Yay uniform!

I absolutely HATE them. They are the worst thing EVER.

We have them at our school, we have to go out and buy our own polo shirts and khakis.

And our shirts have to be school colors.

It so ridiculous.

I had to do a debate about uniforms <_<

Uniforms are alright. I couldn't be bothered stating everyone else's points, because thats exactly what I was going to say anyway.

My uniform is bad. Maroon, grey and white. ;)

My school doesn't require uniforms, but I think it might be interesting. Not permanently, of course..

Our school uniforms would be black, white, gold or yellow, and possibly gray. xP

I like being able to express myself through my clothes, though. I would choose that over uniforms any day.

I hate uniforms soooo.... MUCH! We almost had to get uniforms, and we all made a poll about who wants uniforms and who dosen't. There were only 4 people who wanted uniforms. >XD The rest of us wanted freedom! I mean, really. People shouldn't MAKE US wear something that we don't WANT to wear.

But, I don't wear uniforms in school. And I want to keep it that way. Unless if it looks like the anime school uniform. They're cool lookin'.

-Temari Nara

[SIZE=8pt]I like 'em and hate 'em at the same time.[/SIZE]


I hate them 'cause they don't give you any freedom. You can't wear what you want and express yourself, like Notes. said.


I like them 'cause they avoid some of the gang activity. Some people that represent a gangs in some schools can't wear their ghetto (excuse my language :wacko: ) clothes. They also cancel out all the shorts-hanging-below-the-waist, oversized shirts, and underwear showing (agian, referring back to shorts-hanging-below-the-waist thing).


But if I had to choose, I'd choose regular clothes.

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Err i don't mind really. I don't express myself through clothes anyways, haaha.

I think they're good. Like, it doesn't force people to think they need to dress a certain way to fit in.

I dunno maybe that's just me.

AH! School uniforms! BURN IT! I DON'T LIKE IT! x.x Sorry I'm hyper =P

I really don't like school uniforms because there is no freedom in what you wear.

-Mew (Yes, I am ~Pokemon*Mew~)

I dislike my school uniform because it is highly uncomfortable and highly ugly xD

The only reason I'll ever like school uniform is that they resemble your school and therefore showing off your school spirit!

Plus our school... I go to a strict private school and they have school bags! And even school umbrellas! O_O. And the poor swimming team people have to wear school bathers...

My friend (she goes to a strict private school too similar to mine there's a lot of them in Australia) told me once that once her school had students to wear school underwear o_O~

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I hate uniforms soooo.... MUCH! We almost had to get uniforms, and we all made a poll about who wants uniforms and who dosen't. There were only 4 people who wanted uniforms. >XD The rest of us wanted freedom! I mean, really. People shouldn't MAKE US wear something that we don't WANT to wear.
But, I don't wear uniforms in school. And I want to keep it that way. Unless if it looks like the anime school uniform. They're cool lookin'.

-Temari Nara
The anime school uniforms are a little... too much. They're comics, so they're not going to make all the main characters look dweeby. But I, personally, don't think school uniforms are bad at all. I'd much rather have my clothes planned out for me for every single day of the year than spend ages worrying about what I was going to wear and when! And some of the less-fashionable in my class would get picked on, I'm sure. I like having non-uniform days once a term - it gives you something to look forward to, and you always look cool, 'cos people don't see you wearing the same thing more than once!

mine is a yellow shirt over navy shorts, skirt or pants. black shoes, white socks but u can accessorize uniform any ways. my summer uniform is a tartan-ish dress with a blue collar and arm thingies and it also has a tie thingie with 3 buttons on it. my winter is a long slv yellow top under a navy tartan-ish dress. the good thing about the uniform at skool is that the teachers dont care if u cut ur dress or wear short-shorts. Or dye ur hair pink or something like that. and u dont get detention if u dont wear full skool uniform. of couse we hane mufti days evry so often, but thats like once a term. ZOMG

My school doesn't allow jewellery at all. And when you wear earrings you can wear only studs, and you can't colour your hair a colour that is not a natural hair colour (i.e you can dye your hair blonde but not pink, or blue), and you're not allowed to wear nail polish B) Too many boundaries!

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