What is your MOST embarrasing moment?


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Ahh!!! *makes kooky anime face* If this is a double topic I am really sorry! Please close this if it is. I'm really sorry. *bows repeatedly and wipes tears*

On the other hand...if it is not, then feel free to post :)


It's fine- a guide checked it in so it's all kay.

Um... I get easily embarresed because I get nervous reeaalllyy easily. :)

Phew *Wipes sweat*
When I was 4 my pants fell down in front of a whole bunch of peepl! Ahh muy embarriosingo! :)

Aw, haha. Once, I peed my pants in the barber shop! ;)

EDIT- Of course when I was four or something... just to make that clear! xD

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Eh....I'm not sure!

Probably last week when I was in Florida. I was grocery shopping with my friend and his family, and his Dad put corn on the cob into the basket. I said, "Oh, I love corn!" When we ate it that night, the corn turned out to be really gross tasty. Everybody was blaming it on me, and started saying, "It's your fault the corn is so bad! Your picked the corn! We're never gonna let you pick corn again." I knew they were joking, but it really embaressed me. I didn't even PICK out the corn. And each day after that, my family would find a way to make a joke out of the corn incident. I felt really upset and embaressed. :)

My friend(guy) came up behind me and knocked my stuff out of my hands.The rings came open and it looked like an explosion.He apolgised but him and this other guy started laughing at me.
Don't you hate that! D:


This past Halloween this one kid in my grade was having a Halloween dance at his place,and I was dancing with one of my bestest FRIENDS WHO'S A BOY who's been my BFTAB(best friend that's a boy) for 6 years and we were dancing together.....anyway he's really short and I'm really tall,with long hair,well I spun into him (his hands on my waist ♥) and I was spinning out,and my hair whipped him in the eye!!!!! T_T

Well...It happened yesterday:

I was passing notes in Social Studies Class,(Bad Idea.) and I got caught. My teacher read it and she had a lecture about passing notes. Now, people won't stop pestering me about it.

Another: Today in SS I was texting in class,(Another Bad Idea) and I texted my friend and her phone rang. D: The teacher took it away and people keep asking my friend about her phone and stuff. And they usually asked "Who called you?" And she said me, and they kept bothering me. (They is random people in my class)

And during class, I texted another friend and she texted back. I got caught. But the teacher said "Luna, whatever you have in your hand, put it on the desk or put it away."

To me, all of these were emberassing! *blushes*

Yeah, yesterday we were in P.E. and our P.E. teacher was describing the game we were about to play and suddenly she yells "What are you chewing?" to my friend. For a second she was quiet and then our teacher asked again "What are you chewing?!"

"Gum," my friend barely squeaked. I felt so bad for her! :>(


err, its kind of weird so dont laugh lol...

I was at a haunted house when I was 8 and a guy chased me out with a chainsaw and I screamed like a girl. and I was with all of my friends!! (I't was a field trip..) lol

(off topic) - oh and by the way my brother gave me his account soo if you think I'm different I'm a different person ..

EDIT: I am also nine lol..

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You know how when you're young...you somtimes mistake other people for your parents....yeah...well...I'm almost 13...

So when we were going Christmas shopping in December, my dad and I went to this store and I was looking at something. My dad was standing to my right. Apparently, he moved, and some other guy stood there...and I didn't know. So I picked something up and started rambling on and on about it. I even like poked the guy to look. Then I look up and I'm just cursing myself in my head. I stand there, open mouhted and I'm like "Sorry." I ran of to find my dad. Omigod. That guy as giving me the weirdest look. I wouldn't like stop acting all random and weird till we were wayyyy out of that store. It was AWFUL!

About 2 years ago I was walking along the street wearing a skirt, and a gust of wind came and blew my skirt up just as a van full of boys drove past and they ALL saw it! :D

I had a scary and embarrassing moment

I was driving in my dads car in the abck he was driving then a truck pulls up with a guy in it he leans over smiles and winks at me and we were in font of him when the light changed he was following us !

Hmm Well, I have a lot of embarrassing moments. But a lot of them I usually forget. xD lol

But heres one for you people.

About a couple months ago, I was eating lunch with some of my friends. Then one of my other guy friend started splashing water on me from a water bottle. I kept on telling him to stop. Then when I turned around to bend over for some weird WEIRD reason...My bum was reveled and he splashed water on it. >.>" Course, then I turned around. And he was well... "Haahaha~ I got some water on your @**! Hahah, nice and wet" >.>" lol...Yeah...Then he just kept on telling everyone and started bugging me about it. But well, I pretty much just laughed it off. Lol But still...MAN he saw my bum...D:

Yeah...It's not all THAT embarrassing...But still, was to me. X_X"

My most embarassing moment was this:

I was at this really, really big competition, and anyway, when me and my mom watched it on TV (yes, TV) we would always joke about how the head judge must judge the size of peoples heads. Just joking, of course. BUT then we were in the elevator with the head judge and my mom said "Can I ask you a question? You're the head judge, what do you think of my daughter's head?" I mean, she laughed and everything, but still!

That's my most embarrassing moment.

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