What is the stupidest way to lose a cell phone?


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
Okay, what is the worst way to lose a phone? A really stupid way?

Last friday, the 7th and 8th grade band went to six flags in jacksonv, new jersey. my friend raphael went on the rolar coaster 'nitro'. this idiot like, lost his phone on the ride X^D

the teachers are even laughing!!!

what is the stupidest way you ever lost a phone?

I lost two different cell phones to the washer... Oops.

Then, before that, I'd almost lost it at a carnival, but I got it back before I even realized it was gone.

My friend lost her cell phone while she was talking on it XD

She was like: "Hang on a sec mom, let me find my cell phone... SF WHERE'D YOU LEAVE MY CELL PHONE???" While she was talking to her mom on it XDDD

NOTE: I replaced my name with SF cuz SF is alot cooler than my name

My friend had her sidekick in her hoodie pocket and went to the bathroom, and then it slid out and landed in the toliet XD

*leaving it at a phone store

*mistaking it for a chocolate bar and eating it

*forgetting it was in your pocket and putting in in the washing machene

...ok i WILL admit the second one was not true but the other two were!

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my friends dad dropped his motorola off the power surge at the highest point at luna park

it still works

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