What Is The Most Overrated Game You Played?


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2010
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Mother 3

Don't get me wrong, Mother 3 is a great game. But not perfect. But everyone says "YAY M3 IS THE BEST!", or "OMG! KUMATORA IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!" I think the only reason people do this is because of Lucas's sadness, and the plot. Yes, the plot was EPIC.

But, I think another problem is Claus. Claus is a lame add-on to make Lucas depressed, and feel worse about himself. Pokey also makes an appearance, now called "Porky". He is the sole reason Lucas acts sad (and he stole Ness's dang Yoyo!).

Now, I respect all opinions on what other's most overrated game is (except paislypuppy's, who says Melee fansare n00bs who have no skill).

Resident Evil 3, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, Demon's Souls, Pokemon Ranger, and Purble Place.

RE3 because the controls are impossible! Okay, not impossible, but they should at least tell you how to control Jill before it sends zombies running after you. Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine because in the higher levels, I keep getting PWNED and I guess the difficulty bothers me. Demon's Souls because...hey, you try dying over a million times in a PS3 game and not getting frusterated. Plus, it doesn't really explain the story line much, so at the beginning, I was like "What? I'm pretty sure I didn't skip the cutscene! What's going on here?! RAWR!!!!!!". Pokemon Ranger was a pretty good game, but OMG Guardian Signs OWNS it. Purble Place because the graphics are terrible, the sound effects are annoying when you have the game on mute and are trying to listen to some peaceful music, UTADA HIKARU! and it's a default Windows VISTA game. My mom has Windows xp and she was all "wtf are you playing?" When she saw my sister playing it. Everyone knows Windows Vista is just terrible. Even me, and my computer runs on it.

That's all I had to say...sorry if I got offtopic or ranted a little, because I know I did XD



Dragon Quest

Final Fantasy (Seriously SquareEnix, end this awful series)

All but one of the five biggest games in japan, as you can see. They're all old and provide little fun. The other one,MONSTER HUNTER I love with all my heart.

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PokemonDragon Quest

Final Fantasy (Seriously SquareEnix, end this awful series)

All but one of the five biggest games in japan, as you can see. They're all old and provide little fun. The other one,MONSTER HUNTER I love with all my heart.
Zelda = Decent

Pokemon = WTF did you say about it?

Dragon Quest = What the he11 is that?

Final Fantasy = Sucks, (NOT!)

Just 'cause monster-hunter (lame) is a Massively multiplayer online game, that does NOT mean it is "ZOMG BEST GAME EVA!!"...

Oh god Kirby. I can't belive that a pink ball eats ANYTHING. The only GOOD kirby game is Korokoro Kirby (Tilt 'n' tumble).

Zelda = Decent

Pokemon = WTF did you say about it?

Dragon Quest = What the he11 is that?

Final Fantasy = Sucks, (NOT!)

Just 'cause monster-hunter (lame) is a Massively multiplayer online game, that does NOT mean it is "ZOMG BEST GAME EVA!!"...

Oh god Kirby. I can't belive that a pink ball eats ANYTHING. The only GOOD kirby game is Korokoro Kirby (Tilt 'n' tumble).
Ummm... it's NOT an MMO. It's geared towards multiplayer, but the maximum players at once is 4. I didn't say pokemon was bad, it's a good game. It's still nowhere near as good as people say it is.



Dragon Quest

Final Fantasy (Seriously SquareEnix, end this awful series)

All but one of the five biggest games in japan, as you can see. They're all old and provide little fun. The other one,MONSTER HUNTER I love with all my heart.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I don't even know what to say to that. Could you just give me one reason? Just one? I'd honestly love to hear it.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I don't even know what to say to that. Could you just give me one reason? Just one? I'd honestly love to hear it.
I'd honestly love to hear why Melee fans are n00bs, paislypuppy.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I don't even know what to say to that. Could you just give me one reason? Just one? I'd honestly love to hear it.
Zelda's awesome, I just personally find it's not *quite* as good as people say it is. Overated doesn't mean bad, and honestly, I'm begining to wonder if I should have even put it there in the first place.

Zelda's awesome, I just personally find it's not *quite* as good as people say it is. Overated doesn't mean bad, and honestly, I'm begining to wonder if I should have even put it there in the first place.
If people don't know what overated is, they shouldn't post here anyway, right...?

I do find Mario overrated, a little, too.

And what is ironic is that paislypuppy overreacts when HER favorite game is hated, but she doesn't care if OUR games are hated by HER.

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If people don't know what overated is, they shouldn't post here anyway, right...?

I do find Mario overrated, a little, too.

And what is ironic is that paislypuppy overreacts when HER favorite game is hated, but she doesn't care if OUR games are hated by HER.
Oh, like what games? I don't recall hating on any games that you said you liked. I never said that I hated Melee, I just said that Brawl was better. You made a point of saying "Brawl sucks" on my profile, now that's ironic.

And for the record Zelda games deserve all the credit they get. Ocarina of Time is practically flawless despite the graphics (it was for N64 before the expansion pak came out, it was the best that could be done at that time).

I'd honestly love to hear why Melee fans are n00bs, paislypuppy.
oh, i happened to miss this comment earlier. Did I ever say that melee fans were n00bs? I don't recall. I think I made my point clear, however, that brawl requires more skill... that's all. Obviously you're still sore about my comments that you're bringing this to another topic.

And for the record Zelda games deserve all the credit they get. Ocarina of Time is practically flawless despite the graphics (it was for N64 before the expansion pak came out, it was the best that could be done at that time).

this is exactly why I can't stand Zelda Fanboys/Fangirls

"No it best u wrong I right"

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

That's a quote from Gandhi, replace "Christ" with Zelda. And "Christians" with "Zelda Fans" and you get how I feel.

Also, you repeatedly said Melee was bad in your other topic.


this is exactly why I can't stand Zelda Fanboys/Fangirls

"No it best u wrong I right"

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

That's a quote from Gandhi, replace "Christ" with Zelda. And "Christians" with "Zelda Fans" and you get how I feel.

Also, you repeatedly said Melee was bad in your other topic.
I agree on the facepalm. Fanboys are basically haters who don't like other stuff and only like their own stuff. Zelda is not bad, however your attitude is, paislypuppy.


this is exactly why I can't stand Zelda Fanboys/Fangirls

"No it best u wrong I right"

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

That's a quote from Gandhi, replace "Christ" with Zelda. And "Christians" with "Zelda Fans" and you get how I feel.

Also, you repeatedly said Melee was bad in your other topic.
yes, and i explicitly explained why, so there's really no question there.

And hate me if you like, for I am a LoZ fangirl to the end, just don't hate the games themselves, that's all.


i think the whole xbox 360 system is over rated, with a few exceptions oh and ssbb, wayyyyy to confusing

EDIT: and also purin stop TROLING on paislypuppy he/she just has an opinion

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and also purin stop TROLING on paislypuppy he/she just has an opinion
Me, trolling? PAISLYPUPPY IS FLAMING ON OUR OPINIONS! What else should I do. I REALLY don't want to argue with her, but she overreacts on her opinion and hates on others for they're opinions. AND, she barges into my thread without posting her opinion on an overrated game, instead, she's like "ZOMG Zelda hater! That means I hate them for hating Zelda!!!" For now, it's best that this topic should be locked.


i think the whole xbox 360 system is over rated, with a few exceptions oh and ssbb, wayyyyy to confusing

EDIT: and also purin stop TROLING on paislypuppy he/she just has an opinion
...Are you serious?

She's not trolling, shes just voicing her opinion aswell. Don't use a word if you don't know its meaning.

Now kiddies, stop arguing over silly things. and get along before this gets way to out of hand.

Overrated game?

I'd say Halo. Now I'm not saying this because "LOL UI HATE HALO FANBOYS HURR DURR"

I have the second Halo game and I got bored of it within an hour of playing and never played it since then.

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