Wow, this could be long
- People at my school who push you & shout move!
- My itchy foot
- Predictive text [it's like someone butting in your conversation]
- This boy at school who keeps saying "Ooh, you fancy him" When he doesn't know I'm with one of that guys best mates.
- Someone who pretends to be someone else
[at school theres this girl whos changed her accent to sound like her best friend & denies it]
- People who make fun of emos [there lives are rubbish enough without them messing it up, my friend was recently
an emo, but she got through it =]]
- People who run up to me, shout my name & give me a hug, I'm like "who are you?"
- The new kids who come up to my school from primary & act all big about it.
- Fake tan.
- Bleach blonde hair [no offence peepz]
- People who make fun of me because I have blonde [natural that is

] hair. So what? I'm not dumb.
I'm in top set at school.
- Random people I don't know who ask what set I'm in
& when I tell them they say OMG top sre? you swot. Well if I was a swot would I have all these friends? no.
- People who pretend to care when they really couldn't give a dang
- The snotty popular kids, who think they're cool but everyone hates them.
- People who pick on this boy, JUST because he's clever. LEAVE HIM ALONE!
- My computer, when it's really slow & it takes ages for what I wrote to appear on the screen [like now]
- When I can't hit a note in a song
Gosh, so much hatred. I must have some love.
- My bestest friends
- Him <3
- Mistakes I learn from
- Songs I can relate to
- Blue wicked
- Performing to crowds!
- School [for the breaks with my mates]
- RED <3
- All you guys at TT! Aww, you're soo awesome!!
Ayye, thinking about the good things has made me less mad!!