I'd yell at them (and probably kick them and slap them) and be mad at them for a month, then kind of be friends with them as long as they didn't show ANYONE the video and write about it in my diary and they'd get a bad reputaion (in my diary) and that's really bad. 'Cuz sometimes I exaggerate a lot in my diary, and it wouldn't turn out good/ and I'd be friends witht hem just not BEST friends anymore, but still be mad at them a LOT, its just shoved to the back of my head,
yes, see, it would be very complicated if they did that to me! XD
What if your house caught on fire and your family died and you had to get adopted gy a family who treated you bad then threw u out on the street for two months, you nearly starved, then got into a REALLY BAD, evil orphange with high scurity?? :-D