what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3


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My basic Rochelle Goyle Monster High doll got here today, as well as three pieces of handmade clothes for MH dolls I bought from someone.

Whenever my Devil comes in I will take a photo of that, my shell cases, my mothras, and my angel together so I don't spam the forum haha!

They are both really similar, I THINK mine is silver one, but can't really tell


That's mine (Not as clean and shiny as Carleesi's xD)

Well, anyway I got my Miracrise Pierce today!! I had the feeling it would come today so I'm so happy iy actually did :D


It's my only pierce so when I got it I was quite suprized at how small it was, I was expecting it to be much bigger xD

Also it has more stuff than I thought it would, can't wait to use it :D

So I haven't been posting much of the photos from my "mail calls," but I have received a TON of new pets! :lol:

If you're part of the FB group T-A then you have seen most of my posts haha.


Finally got me a blue shelled Mothra!


Here is a photo of my 4U strap. I switched the "gothic" chain with the normal purple chained ver. I also added deco dots, a bow, and a Sentimental Circus sticker to it!

The Ocean I already had, but I finally got me a MAGICAL WITCHES AND DEVIL!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

VioletEyes - What is that green pet above the blue shelled mothra that looks a lot like a Dreamcast VMU?

VioletEyes - What is that green pet above the blue shelled mothra that looks a lot like a Dreamcast VMU?

That is exactly what it is :) back when they were really popular they came out with weird editions of the VMU and one of them being the Godzilla edition. It came with a Godzilla mini game on it and you can gather different characters to use to fight.


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