what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3


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Why thank you kindly for accusing me for trying to scam you. I will keep in mind not to make any more trades in the future with you. I am the one that should be angry here, since you got all items I sent you, and I still am waiting to get things I should have gotten a long time ago. I am so done here. I've never been hurt as much as I am now.

// sorry for the offtop, but I guess this should be public, cause I don't want others to think I am a cheater
you know i think its amazing how you try and flip things around here..you sit there basically telling ppl that i scammed you and then you turn around get upset when i call you out on it...you didn't mention at all that i plan on giving you the money if it didnt show up or that i had went and contacted the mail on numerous occasions about your very packages..and yes you are correct it needs to be publicized because i have NEVER delt with anyone like this before...you pretend to be understanding and kind then when the person isnt looking or you decide to take a mood swing you flip and starting saying things such as you did above. and dont try to say that you didnt mean it in that manor just like you said before when you were insulting me for having such a large collection because its bull...honestly im starting to think this is happening because you have a hate on for me or something...ill be getting your cash for the stupid package but dont ever message me again on ANYTHING! i have never had any troubles with anyone else and have alwaus pulled through on my transactions i have countless ppl that can account to that!

*various posts preceding this one have been removed from sight*

Hey guys - respect the site rules.

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I recently renewed my RN license for the first time since I became an RN (have to do it every so often) and so the new one came in the mail. Crazy how fast time flies.

I also received my Nameko pierce today.

I got my Grell iPhone 4s sticker from Society6 yesterday. This one:


Reeally wish I got the case instead, but 35$ was a bit too high. 15$ is also quite a bit for a skin, but hey, I wanted to support the artist... Even though I'm kind of dissapointed with the quality. Really wish there was an option for matte stickers, as I preffer them by a long shot. The print is kinda grainy too, but it's not too bad, I loved the art, so... All I need is a clear bumper case now. I have a normal plastic clear case but it looks awful and doesn't secure my iPhone well enough.

I also got a 3DS stylus at last. Red one... While I have a black 3DS. Oh well.

Today my lot of 100 lanyards finally arrived! They are mostly branded ones, but there are a few general ones too, and hey, they'll always come in handy.

I also got my Rilakkuma iPhone stylus and a spider necklace.

Some things from Yahoo Japan arrived for me today. These are vintage tamagotchi puzzles, and these eight constitute a complete set of Angelgotchi puzzles:

These also arrived:

Two of the three existing shells of the Eco Entama:

And the Puma Keitai.

I didn't know there was santaclautch pack :eek:

You got so much tamas in mail! :)


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