What happened?


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Jun 23, 2014
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This place used to be so busy like, all the time 8-10 years ago. Why is it so empty now?

Well any site won't be as busy as it was when it first came out.

Some members go, some new members join.

Thankfully we have an amazing community so I don't mind the low numbers :) it's nice because in a smaller community everyone knows everyone well and gets along!

We may be a small community but we all love each other, it's not the numbers that matter it's the bond in the numbers that makes TamaTalk what it is today :)

Agreed Kero. TT isn't huge but internet communities don't get much better than this - we all know each other and that's what matters. :D As for why that's happened, Tamas are no longer the current fad. But as Kero said, if you want awesome friends and fun times you'll never forget, TT is the place for you even though it's quieter than it was.

Yeah and the sad truth is tamagotchi is losing popularity. :(

I think Tamagotchi is still super popular, just there are lots of fans (mostly kids) who probably don't go on TamaTalk. Tamagotchi is aimed at children under teenagers, remember that, and some parents probably don't want their children joining forums :p

I think it's good with less members because there's not as much fighting, drama, etc, as there was when I first joined.

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