What happened to my Tamagotchi's screen?


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Lol, saved the guide I mean. Not the old broken LCD.

Yay! Glad that it's been fixed. I'm planning on writing a lot more guides so I'm glad you like this one. Is there anything you would change on the guide? :)

Hmmm. Nope, I read it over a few times, and it's perfect! All the pictures are clear, and every step is easy to follow! I don't know, it's very simple to figure out what order to do the steps in, but maybe you could number the steps? Just to make sure someone doesn't do something in the wrong order. But other than that, there is nothing I would add or change. And I would love to see more guides!!! :blink:

I recently Painted my v6. There is only One safe way to paint them and that is to completely take them apart. Rip off the sound wires, and Paint. You have to solder on the sound wires again though. Here is a picture of mine(Made for a log but will apply here)


See None on the screen.. You NEED to paint it like that otherwise you'll get paint on the screen that is non avoidable if you don't take it apart. The soldering part is hard to do and you need a soldering Iron but It works. I have sound on the thing. What probably happened in my opinion is it only looks like the screen isn't on but it really is the chemicals in the nail polish probably changed that part of the screen. Anyways I hope I helped.

Edit: It looks like there is paint in the corner but there isn't lol I promise if you see it in person you would see there isn't any. I think it is just the reflection off the paint(Cuz it is in the corner)

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