I've got more, haha.
Jake (this retarded jerk I know... I hate him more then anything else I've previously said!!)
People who say things but don't do things
People who think they're so cool because they swear.
Little kids following me around trying to be cool.
When my friends get mad with me for not liking it when they invite little kids to hang out with us. I mean jeez.
Guys who only like girls for their body and vice versa.
People who ask ME out and stalk me because their dumb friends dared them too. (coughthepreviouslymentionedjakecough)
Arden, my sister's bratty friend.
Toran, arden's annoying brother.
Bags of chips because they are rip-offs! they're like only half full when you open them!!
Animals abusers/any abusers
When guys talk about my friends chests/bodies in a vulgar way. makes me sick!
When my friend comes on MSN like, half an hour before she has to go. And she knows she'll have to go at that time, too!
My friends obsessions with the Twilight series (which I hate). They don't even let me touch the books they are so obsessed!! I mean, wtf?!
Avatars that say "AHH! I just saw a monster! oh wait... it was your face." or stuff along those lines.
People that don't have any ideas of their own and rely on me to figure out what we're going to do. then call me BOSSY.
The fact that my friend got mad with me for asking why she stopped wearing make up. She was all "I AM wearing make up!!

can't you SEE IT?!" and I couldn't it was so light! but for some reason she got mad?! I don't know why
