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I'm playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy on the Switch, and I'm currently about halfway into the Turnabout Samurai chapter of the first game.


I haven't played these games since the DS up-ports that introduced them to the West, and I'd all but forgotten how fantastic the first game really was. The second and third ones had some major translation problems, which I would hope have been fixed in this new edition, but I still thoroughly enjoyed them too, and am looking forward to playing them again as well.

I got the Japan-only cartridge release for Christmas, which has English support, but the digital version is occasionally discounted on the eShop, and I would highly recommend picking up this compilation if you've never played these games before and you think that they might be your sort of thing. Or even if you have played them before, for that matter - it is a fine update to the original trilogy. :lol:

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Okay, so the family were all at home last night (for the first time in... well, a long time...) so we decided on a "retro games" night and set up the wii  :p

All bar one member of my family are still ace Mario Kart players.  I was totally beaten - several times  <_<

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All bar one member of my family are still ace Mario Kart players.  I was totally beaten - several times  <_<
I'm a big Mario Kart fan - I put quite a bit of time into the current one, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Switch. :D


I also use a vehicle build (Teddy Buggy body, Azure Roller tyres, and Plane Glider) that looks thoroughly ridiculous when paired with my main, Bowser - but it gets results, so he'll just have to deal with it. :lol:

I got Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn for Christmas, so I spent some time playing that, getting through the main story really! It's fun, a real cute game! I also got Kirby Battle Royale, so once I finished with Extra Epic Yarn, I started that up, and I also really enjoy that one! the different types of battles are nice and quick to get through!! I particularly enjoy Apple Scramble!

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I'm playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy on the Switch, and I'm currently about halfway into the Turnabout Samurai chapter of the first game.

I haven't played these games since the DS up-ports that introduced them to the West, and I'd all but forgotten how fantastic the first game really was. The second and third ones had some major translation problems, which I would hope have been fixed in this new edition, but I still thoroughly enjoyed them too, and am looking forward to playing them again as well.

I got the Japan-only cartridge release for Christmas, which has English support, but the digital version is occasionally discounted on the eShop, and I would highly recommend picking up this compilation if you've never played these games before and you think that they might be your sort of thing. Or even if you have played them before, for that matter - it is a fine update to the original trilogy. :lol:
I'm playing on the 3DS, and am currently on Case 4 of Justice for All (the second game.) IMO, the second game was mediocre up to here.

I'm playing on the 3DS, and am currently on Case 4 of Justice for All (the second game.) IMO, the second game was mediocre up to here.
The second and third games do not stand on their own well, and they never did, but I enjoyed them enough to forgive them that. :p The second one definitely picks up a lot more towards the end, I agree. :)



I finished up Kirby Super Star, in the Nintendo Switch Online SNES games selection, by unlocking and completing The Arena. :D


And I also spent a while playing Blazing Beaks, which is a twin-stick Rogue-lite shooter with procedurally-generated levels, featuring cute birds and weird monsters, and valuable loot that acts as a power-down until you can sell it - if you live that long. :D I main the penguin, naturally. ;)

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Bouncing between Animal Crossing New Horizons and Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones right now, both very enjoyable games for their own reasons!


Newly-customised spare Game Boy Colour = new playthrough of Kirby's Dream Land. And lots of other things, for that matter. :D
That shell button combo looks amazing! Do you prefer the stock GBC screens over TFT/IPS?

I'm currently playing through corpse party and okamiden on the 3DS.

That shell button combo looks amazing!
Thanks very much! :D I really wanted to pay tribute to King Dedede, since he's my favourite character from just about anything, and since he originated on the Game Boy I figured that this was the way to do it. I went with a spare Game Boy Colour because I don't want to deal with polariser-burn issues on the original DMG units or the Game Boy Pocket, and it's easy to get beaten-up GBCs whose innards work perfectly - not to mention that I feel that it's the best hardware for playing the monochrome and colour Game Boy library on if you want to keep the guts of the unit original. (There are better options if you're not doing that, but that wasn't my goal here. :) )

Since I used to take apart watches and virtual pets when I was a kid, that made this project (and one other immediately before it, which was made as a gift for a relative) surprisingly easy, since it's literally the same thing but bigger. :lol: It was a lot of fun, accordingly - I'd definitely do this again if I end up with more badly-treated Game Boy Colours or Game Boy Advances on my hands.

Do you prefer the stock GBC screens over TFT/IPS?
Pretty much. I do like to keep it original (I use a Worm Light with my yellow and red GBCs), but there are a couple of other factors, too;

1: I can't solder yet. I've studied and know how it's done for devices like these, and I hope to put aside the time to gain practical experience on some dead electronics at some point, but I don't have that ability right now. It's something that I would definitely like to do in the future, though.

2: It's expensive compared to picking up a hardware clone like the GB Boy Colour, which is in my immediate plans. The GB Boy Colour doesn't share the same aspect ratio as the original GB/GBC line (games appear very slightly squat, though it's not very noticeable), but it only costs about £30 to £40 at the moment for a complete, pre-made device, which is less than the parts for modding an official console - a slightly-squashed display is a really good trade-off for getting a backlit Game Boy-compatible device at that price.


Incidentally, not on the Game Boy Colour front, lately I've been playing Jazz Jackrabbit Advance on my Game Boy micro. :D

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Thanks very much! :D I really wanted to pay tribute to King Dedede, since he's my favourite character from just about anything, and since he originated on the Game Boy I figured that this was the way to do it. I went with a spare Game Boy Colour because I don't want to deal with polariser-burn issues on the original DMG units or the Game Boy Pocket, and it's easy to get beaten-up GBCs whose innards work perfectly - not to mention that I feel that it's the best hardware for playing the monochrome and colour Game Boy library on if you want to keep the guts of the unit original. (There are better options if you're not doing that, but that wasn't my goal here. :) )

Since I used to take apart watches and virtual pets when I was a kid, that made this project (and one other immediately before it, which was made as a gift for a relative) surprisingly easy, since it's literally the same thing but bigger. :lol: It was a lot of fun, accordingly - I'd definitely do this again if I end up with more badly-treated Game Boy Colours or Game Boy Advances on my hands.

Pretty much. I do like to keep it original (I use a Worm Light with my yellow and red GBCs), but there are a couple of other factors, too;

1: I can't solder yet. I've studied and know how it's done for devices like these, and I hope to put aside the time to gain practical experience on some dead electronics at some point, but I don't have that ability right now. It's something that I would definitely like to do in the future, though.

2: It's expensive compared to picking up a hardware clone like the GB Boy Colour, which is in my immediate plans. The GB Boy Colour doesn't share the same aspect ratio as the original GB/GBC line (games appear very slightly squat, though it's not very noticeable), but it only costs about £30 to £40 at the moment for a complete, pre-made device, which is less than the parts for modding an official console - a slightly-squashed display is a really good trade-off for getting a backlit Game Boy-compatible device at that price.


Incidentally, not on the Game Boy Colour front, lately I've been playing Jazz Jackrabbit Advance on my Game Boy micro. :D
Mad envy on the micro front, and yeah, I agree, the price of a backlighting kit is a big barrier (although the work put into them certainly justifies the cost). I've seen some GB Boys transplanted into GBC shells, but the screen ratio always feels a little bit off, athough you are absolutely right, the price point is unbeatable.

Mad envy on the micro front,
Haha, thanks! :)  I got this one brand-new for a very small sum (I think about £30?) after they were clearanced because almost nobody wanted them at the time, and it's proven to be a really good little device (it used to pull double-duty as an MP3 player, with the Nintendo MP3 Player cartridge, which was the cut-down Western version of the Play-Yan - it's always had some form of keychain attached to it, though the current parts were newly-attached just last week, because I wanted something sturdier than what I'd used before). I wouldn't've gone with pink as my first choice back then, but it certainly turned out to go well with the third-party faceplate that I got for it at the time. :D

and yeah, I agree, the price of a backlighting kit is a big barrier (although the work put into them certainly justifies the cost).
Oh, definitely! It's something that I'd love to do, honestly, though it can wait for now.

I've seen some GB Boys transplanted into GBC shells, but the screen ratio always feels a little bit off, athough you are absolutely right, the price point is unbeatable.
Yeah, I've seen that, too! The aspect-ratio issue is perfectly livable for me, so it's a no-brainer to add one to my collection. Maybe a Game Boy collection shot deserves to be taken, at some point? :lol:

Of course, I also really hope to be able to get an Analogue Pocket, which looks fantastic!

Incidentally, Eggiweg, I didn't expect that someone else here would be a bit of a Game Boy enthusiast, too. :lol: Naturally, I test out the Tamagotchi Game Boy game on every unit that I have - it deserves way more exposure within the community, I think, and I guess that that's one way of doing that (I'm sure that there will be more hardware seen running it in my log at some point). :D

I've been playing more stuff since I posted last, too - a stack of Game Boy games that I've been wanting arrived (some are part of an ongoing rebuild of what I regret trading in as a kid, others are completely new to me because my Game Boy collection is my focus at the moment and I'm not all about nostalgia), and I had to test them all. One of them was a combined grail and trade-in-regret, too - Metal Gear Solid for the Game Boy Colour. :D

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