What e-Tamago is


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:ph34r: :( -_- :D


i do 'but there is no code for e-tamago.I CANT GET ON EIHER!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :angry: :angry: :angry: :( :( :(












MY TAMAS!!!!!!! :ph34r: :D

ty ive been wondering about this ty for posting this.

ps sorry if i bumped the topic :lol: plz don't report me :lol:

Only go on e-tamago if you can read japanese, or maybe its chinese... But anyway I just went on and it's written in another language! Hope it helps! Plz send me your questions and I'll try to give an answer! :D Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arielle (Air-eee-elle)

For a code, you need to have an entama/uratama! Or, I think, spiffy has posted some.

I think you can only get them in Japan or something. There are a few in HongKong (that's where I got mine)

why would this come in handy for americans, i hear other americans talking about etamago so how do they use it? :kusatchi:

:huh: thankyou for this information. I was wondering what e-tamago was, now I and everyone can know about it and how to get onto the site. You have even provided helpful links! what a great find! ;)
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