What does tamatalk mean to you?


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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I know we've had this topic in the past but I wanted to make a new one since the old one died a looong time ago. :lol:

So, what does tamatalk mean to you? Is it just a place to find info about tams? Do you stay just because you have made friends here? Do you participate in real world discussions?

What makes tamatalk so special that you keep coming back? I'll post mine later.

well tamatalk means alot to me because i do have some friends but sadly i dont like tamas....:[ i got bored with them a year ago.

Now i particapte in real world discussions and i like hearing other peoples opinions on stuff but i also love the "Fun Stuff" section too. so tamatalk is special because i like how you get to hear other opinons from other people then yourself.



TamaTalk is special to me because, well, I know how a lot of people judge you because of the way you look in the real world, but TamaTalk is not like that. Obviously since it's an internet forum, people judge based on who you are as a person, what kind of character traits you show in your posts, that kind of thing. I feel like I have made lasting friendships here, and I know that a lot of people feel the same way.

TamaTalk is a place I come to after school every day to just have fun talking to everyone whenever I feel like my life really sucks. (and I feel like that every day) So, it's like my little internet getaway. Somewhere I go to spend time with people who I enjoy conversating with, that's what TamaTalk is all about. And plus I love to hear everyone's stories, opinions, and of course the fun stuff section is great because all TamaTalkers are allowed to participate in really fun games. So, that's what TamaTalk means to me.

Tamatalk is my home.. inside my home, I guess. :lol:

I came here for the tams and then moved over into the non tam section. I like to be wanted and appreciated in a community and I don't generally get that in my social life at the moment. I love to give and recieve honest, unbiased help and I enjoy sharing my views and thoughts with others.

I also like the layed back environment that can be serious when need be. It's fun though we can have serious dicussions about life and I get to learn about the ideas and cultures of others and learn more about my own in the process.

I know that the internet can never really replace an actual person-person social life, but when the going gets tough in such area- and even when it's going well- it's nice to come here to such a connected and amazing bunch of random people. :lol:

I like TamaTalk ... because here I pretty much only go on Non TT, and I love reading all you guyses conversations. And we can like, say stuff that we'd be too embarrased too in real life, or we'd be judged by it. Here we can say stuff that we'd never really admit in real life, and everyone is just so nice and respectful of whatever you say! I never really play with Tams anymore [sad face] so I come just for the conversations in Non-TT.


To me TamaTalk is a super-friendly place. (As tamaw/pants said, it's like my home.)


I love TamaTalk becasue (almost) everybody is really nice. Unlike the real world, I talk (kind of...) a lot. I enjoy talking to everyone here and I hope people enjoy talking to me. People don't judge me upon what I wear and how I'm 'a anime freak/weirdo' (as people have said =/ ), they judge me upon my 'actions'. I love TT <333

I like tamatalk because it's a place where I can just have fun. I like posting my opinion in things that I care about, adn I love how we can do that here. I also like making friends and talking to people I don't even know about things, it's just really fun!

A place with a mix of idiots/people with no sense of humor/hypocrites/8 year olds/Otakus/Twillight freaks.

Also some people with a good sense of humor who are fun and easy to talk to. I come here to roleplay, keep in touch with some people, and have fun, I guess. But there are a lot of ******* here.

I don't have many friends. I can't keep them, and can't make them. But I love it here because we can debate and get others' opinions and stuff on here. And we can play games with other people. Even though I'm not really in to tamagotchi anymore.

[SIZE=7pt]I would like to have more friends on TT, [/SIZE]

but I keep coming back because people here are friendly, I like to give advice, and state my opinion. It's a cool place to chat.

All of my friends here are just really cool, and so much fun to talk to.

Tamatalk, to me, is a place to come for good advice, someone to talk to, a nice conversation, and a literate role play. xD

I came to tamatalk to get codes and such, but then I got hooked on the non-tt, and I come here everyday to share my opinion on current events and such.

Well I have no friends and nothing better to do, and TamaCHAT is quite amusing. If they left I'll leave.. They're basically the only thing keeping me here.

I love TamaTalk <3

It's like a second home inside my home (quoting from tamaw/pants). There are many people here who are super nice and understanding. Like GotchiGirl96, it's my "Internet getaway". Lately I've been worrying a lot and I always feel better on TamaTalk. I can virtually bawl to some online stranger and they share complete sympathy. Some people are obsessed with literature like me, and I like reading others' stories and poetry and stuff like that...literature. And I can talk about things that my non-virtual friends and family wouldn't understand much.

To be honest, I don't care that much for tamagotchis anymore, I just think they're cute little toys. I use Non-TamaTalk and Fun Stuff. Quite the entertainment.

In short, TamaTalk is like...hmm...a succulent source of happiness!

I guess so. TamaTalk is very strict, but they keep it organized. You can trust members, and tell them about your feelings and things like that.

I really like it here. I've been here a while now, I joined last summer. I've had a few accounts. I don't really have that many friens here, and I know at least a couple people that don't like me [... xD] but it's easier to talk here that it is in real life. Like if I say something I know it won't be all over school tomorrow. I go on tamaCHAT sometimes. It's easier to find people with the same interest as you on here. I only really go on non-tamatalk, and sometimes fun stuff.

I don't know, it's hard to say. But basically I live here xD

TamaTalk is a place where you can talk about anything, members understand, and you can trust them.

You can talk about your deepest darkest secrets here and depend on members to keep it a secret. It's that feeling of security that I like.

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