What Do You Think Of The Jonas Brothers?


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I'm crazy? xD Don't try to start a flame war. My opinion will remain as it is no matter how "crazy" you think I am.
btw their voices suck. You want a good voice? Daron Malakian and Serj Tankian have the best voices. When they were together in System of a Down, their voices sounded beautiful together.
Thank you.

I wish I could go to a concert. I wish they would come to Washington or Baltimore. x[

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^Really? My brother likes the Jo Bros. He thinks thier music is "pretty cool". He doesn't know that I'm obsessed though. He just thinks I kinda like them. :mellow:

^ I know how you feel. Everyone is always telling me "They're ugly!" "They can't sing!" I hate it. >.> I just tell them. "I love them. Deal." and I either blast Jonas Brothers after that or walk away. xD

Lucky.My brother always tells me how much he thinks the Jo Bros suck.


-.-; -sigh-
Brothers. Ya just gotta ignore them sometimes. xD But not the Jonas Brothers!

greendaygirl, I know, it's so rude when someone does that. It's like grow up! Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you can rub it in thier face! :rolleyes:

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They seem like ok guys I guess. Some of their music is ok, like SOS, but I was never a huge fan. Don't think they're that cute either. I voted Just OK.

I think that the Jonas Brothers are turning into an epidemic.

Several people are absolutely obsessed with them. I swear to god, it is unhealthy.

Then, when they find out they have no chance at all with them, they're going to get all depressed and crap.

Oh yeah. We need more of that.


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