what do you regret most?


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I regret making Chef Boyardee. >.<

Yuck, smelled like dog food.

I regret getting everybody's phone number last year and making a collection out of it. And getting into this guy's locker. D:

Blasting Shake It from my speakers right now lol.

Kyle's reaction "WTF TURN IT OFF NOW OMG -DIES-"

Uh, in my whole life, I don't have really any regrets, I mean, I live for the moment, regrets are tiny, tiny things, so I don't really regret anything, :)

At the moment...

-- Sticking my head into that bin.

-- Ever having a camera and bringing it to school.

There's more, but they're the two I regret the most.

That I accidently told my friends the guy I like. :) Now they've been bullying me about it...

I've regret turning into something I promised myself I'd never become.

In the long run I don't really regret (Or at least I try not too). Sometimes there are things that I said and I wish I could take back, but what can you do? Learn from it, pick yourself up, and move on.

However, my biggest regret is probably not taking Algebra I in seventh grade. I instead took Pre-Algebra, even though I was recommended for Algebra I. I took the easy way out and now I'm in honors-average math instead of high-honors math. I think it denied me some opportunites that I might otherwise have had.

But I learned from it and now I know not to sell myself short and to take advantage of every opportunity. It also taught me to believe in myself and know that I am capable of what I may not realize.

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