what do you like to write about?


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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me=I like writing about magic X3 I'm writing the next book in the series about cats with magical powers (but I haven't worked on it in forever XP)


Woh nice first topic :eek:

I wrote primarily last grade about groovy dancing disco super hero cats Named Shank. 8D

This year I wanna do a fanfic "story" about Lucas and co. :33

Humor is really what I go for. Roald Dahl really inspired me to imitate his style and my stories are quite short, about 3 pages. In the Stuff We Read forum I posted that I wrote a story loosely based on the the first scene in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I've written quite a number of others for projects at school. I don't like Fantasy much and when I try writing fan fiction I end up spoiling the original story entirely so I don't like that much either. I'm too lazy to write an entire book. I find it boring if I write about the same characters over and over. Writing short stories saves me time and is more interesting to write about because the scenario and characters are always different. The protagonist is my stories are always young girls and the villains are often middle-aged and have gruesome characteristics. I also remember writing a mystery once for an English assingment and I failed at it... although I got an A-. It was a story about a prodigious kindergarten student named Lucy whose French teacher was found murdered by another teacher because she was blackmailing him. I had no clue what I was writing about because I have no experience writing mysteries so I felt like I was spinning around in circles without anything to write about.

EDIT: I started writing a mystery (or maybe its horror?) just an hour ago and I gotta admit...its very hard :eek: Its called "The one whose shadow danced amidst blood" and I don't even know what its about, I don't like to waste time planning everything out and everything, I just write whatever. I'm still on the third paragraph, its supposed to be about a 16 year old whose classmate turns out to be a murderer and she mysteriously always finds herself during the scene of the crime...and she's haemophobic too (heamophobia is the fear of blood). Here is an excerpt, tell me what you think of it:

Never before had I felt so confused. My senses were leaving me—no longer could I hear or see and nothing came to the range in which I could touch. Darkness clouded my eyes, it was as if I was in a completely different realm from what is defined as the “Real World” though what hit me at first as insignificant hit me strongest now—the place, wherever I was reeked strongly of blood and blood, this time my own turned cold.

Every inch of my body was shaking with fear as my eyes slowly zoomed into focus and carefully examined the ocean of crimson situated directly under my nose and I could hear my heart resonating in my body as if to signal that the place meant trouble. “Whose blood is this?” and “Why on earth am I in this sort of place?” were a few of the questions that went flitting through my mind at that precise moment but I had no time to think about this because darkness clouded my eyes once more and my feet gave away.

I'm also planning to give it a fantasy element but I dunno, this is sort of like an experiment to see how far my mystery/horror/maybe fantasy skills go.

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Omygosh this is a subforum now! Yea!!!

I like to write realistic fiction. You know stuff that can happen to me.

Though right now, I am writing a supernatural type story.

I like to write about a whole lot of stuff. It could be anything to a troubled girl in Jr. High (like "Fountain of Courage") , to teens getting trapped in a book. (like "Open Book") to ghosts haunting a highschool (like "Ghostly Encounters")

My favourite Genere would have to be humor, since I'm best at it. Anything else I'd need some insight with a similar movie or book. >.>

I like to write about horror, usually a murderer on the loose. I get influenced by movies, music and shows easily, which lead to some stories.

My latest story is my first first person story, with "I did ____" kind of wirting instead of something like "Bob did ____". It's about a blind girl, which may or may not be easy to write about.

A humourous paranormal themed story is what I go for :)

And I like to write about magic lands like Narnia and Hogwarts and stufffff. But then it gets all scary, but funny at the same time. I'm really starting to fail at writing now though. So for now, I think I'm gonna stick to my epic dream journal.. writing really isn't my thing. D:

Ohyes. I like to write things I can relate to, like Weiwei.

After I read a book I try writing one like that and realize that my idea sucks. I just made the original seem soooo much better in comparisan.

If I read a book about a teen star, I write about that. If I read about Harry Potter, I write a book about a kid finding out they're a wizard.

See? I can never come up with my own ideas... ):

I prefer writing about real life situations or great tragedy.

I'm planning on writing a book which I really will try with. If you want details on the story you can PM because I don't want to write a huge post about it. xD

I like to write realistic fiction and things about depressed people, or people who need to make a hard choice.

It depends. I only write poems and stuff. Not stories. But when I do, it's usually a touching poem. Something that would make you tear up, you know? :)

I don't like to write fantasy, I'm more of a person for real-lifeish things though a lot of them are unlikely to happen, but CAN and DO happen. Usually I write about real life issues like global warming, world hunger or what ever or at least include those issues in it or I feel pointless writing it for some reason XD. My stories often contain murder or violence, and the characters have attitude/anger problems. There's also humour, cos I can never write something without it XD

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