What do you do with tamas at school?


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When I am in school, I keep my tamagotchis in my bag.

And guess what? Because of health and safety in our school, we have to keep our bags under our chairs!

That means I can check on my tamagotchis whenever I want! :mellow:



-sk8er girl- :furawatchi:

hehe i live in Singapore... dotn know about you all... no special rules are enforced here on tamagotchis =D

I put it in my pocket, or pencil box and play the 'bump' game while listening to the lesson =D

Only some teachers in our school allow tamagotchies, my teacher is the unfortunate one who doesn't. If you want to leave it at home, put it to sleep, which is the easiest thing to do (don't pause it :) ). But one thing is for sure, keep the sound off at all times! My friend's tamagotchi once went off in the middle of band :gozarutchi: !



take it to school and put it in your pencil case. just put it on pause b4 you put it in ya pencil case. you dont want it to bleep and have it took off ya.

ma mates had theirs bleep in maths and she had it took off her!

better look after it!

I set the clock on mine so that it sleeps while I am in school. When the final bell rings, I take it out and set it to the correct time again.

Well I usually keep it in my purse or in my locker.....and I NEVER put the sound on! lol.


Tamas are banned from my school but some teachers let use play them. My teacher lets us so I just put it in my desk and check on it at the end of every period cuz sometimes if you play it too much during the lesson the teacher will take it :huh: (happened to me once)

When I am in school, I keep my tamagotchis in my bag.And guess what? Because of health and safety in our school, we have to keep our bags under our chairs!

That means I can check on my tamagotchis whenever I want! :(



-sk8er girl- :)

I used to be able to have tamas in class - and we were allowed to keep the sound on! But then so many people in my class and the other class brought them that now tamas are not allowed - but we bring them anyway! In my class they're not allowed, I mean. Oh well, sometimes I bring my V3 and my friend always brings her mini. She lent me it for the night! (It's a :D )

And everyone in my class who still brings them puts them in their backpack and plays with them at recess. (with a mini, you keep it in your pocket! :D ) :(

lucky me...i keep my tama in my purse...n cuz im in highschool, da teachers have 2 let me bring it in class...they think its 4 girl reasons lol...

i take mine to class everyday. My teacher allows them, but you just can't play with them during shes teaching a lesson. When were lining up and stuff you can play with them and out side and during class sometimes. Last year the principal banned them but everyone brought them back and the teachers didn't care!! yay!! :wub: :)

oohhh, forgot to say, lol...you can bring it to class, keep the sound off and don't make it so ovious your playing with it!! believe me thats a bad idea!! play with it at lunch or during recess!! keep it in your pocket on in your desk some where!!

iv's also kept the sound off but in my tray i have a button sheet that tells me how many times i have to press a button to get to where i want! i never have mine on pause! :unsure: :wacko: :ph34r: :) :lol: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

if you dont now what do with your tama at school you could pause it if it is a vir 2 or vir3 if it isnt you could put it next to u.

PS. hope your teacher lets u put it next to u at school

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