What do you do when you can't name your tamagotchi?


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Oct 18, 2015
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I really don't like that. I don't like the versions that don't allow naming. Naming my tamagotchis makes them feel more personal to me. Do you guys name yours anyway? Is naming important to you?

Yes I was very upset when the newest one that I got did not let me name my tamagotchi! So I started a log here on tamatalk where I talk about each gen that I get. Knowing that I'll be writing about them on here reminds me to name them so that I can relate to them a bit more. Like you said, when I don't name them I'm not as close to them.

Usually when i get a new baby I'll ask the first person I talk to to name it and that results in some funny things haha. Or if I'm with a friend and I get a new baby i'm like "This is you! No matter WHAT it turns into!!! Mwahaha! I will raise you spirit-Tama!"

I only name mine if the option is there. Though my P's has become known as patch because the last form he took before he got broken was kutchipatchi. I didn't set out to give him a name. It just sort of happened.

Back in my day we didn't get such luxuries as naming our tamagotchis, we had to use this thing called imagination. I kidding but yeah I grew up with ones that were like this so it never bother me not being able to name my tamagotchi on the modern ones. I was never good at coming up with names for my Tamagotchi connections.

Motsly I just deal with it..Besides, it's not really a BAD thing..Like PockyGirl said, you couldn't name your Tamagotchi on the P1 or P2 tamas.

I don't name them if that option isn't there. Japanese tamas I have that have the option I name them whatever looks good to me. I don't understand Japanese.

Eh, I don't mind. I mean, the characters already have names so it feels weird to give them my own names. I actually prefer not being able to name the characters because it makes it seem like they're the actual characters from the anime and stuff.

I don't like how I can't name my Tamagotchi Friends, though I named him Egg. He's a Righttchi, but I don't want to CALL him Righttchi because there are like five thousand people and dogs raising Righttchis, eh? I mean even though I can't enter the name I can still call him Egg.

I kinda like not having the option to name. It's fun looking back at the generations and seeing if I remember the names I made for them or not.

I like when I can name my tama, but it's not that big of a deal to me. If I can't name them, I just call them by their actual name.

Sometimes I still name my tamas when the name option isn't there, but that's normally when I'm not busy. When I'm busy with schoolwork, they don't get a name. :p

Not being able to name on non-color Tamagotchi kind of got me; it was part of the appeal as a kid.

On the colors, though... I was kind of happy about that. These are established characters. It might be kind of redundant to have their name there if they are really all that well-known, but it's kind of comforting to me to know that there isn't going to be a personalized history of names. On the P's, the generation count was very much still a thing. Now, with the 4U+, an even less personalized experience, I'm even happier that I get to just play and worry less about creative details and a neat family history on my part.

That's just me, though. I know a big part of the appeal of having a virtual pet is being able to make it your own.

I don't watch the show or the anime or anything - so to me it's just a virtual pet/thing. I wouldn't name my dog 'dog' so I have to name it (I didn't buy Tamagotchi Friends because the naming feature wasn't included). I just think it's cute and personal to name them :3

If I can think of a cute name that I've never used before then naming them is fine. I have this weird thing that I can't reuse a name I've used for another, even if that generation is long gone. They also have to be cute names, I couldn't ever give one the name Vic because it doesn't feel right :/ But when the naming option isn't there I just call them by their character name, it's written in the stats option so it's not like I constantly have to google what character I have. I'm not fussed either way to be honest.

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