What do YOU do all day?


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It depends on the day.

Usually my summer days are filled with camps and activities. I have soccer camp, tennis camp, movie making camp, skating camp, and overnight camp. They're around 1 or 2 weeks each. When I get home from those, usually I'll either watch tv and computer, or bike to DQ, or something with my friends. Mostly I just sit and daydream Dx

I alternate between reading, playing video games, screwing around online, drawing, exercising, swimming, and chasing the cats. I hang out with my friends, too.

Wow, that seems so much more productive written out like that then it does when I'm actually doing it. o_o

Eh, go on the computer.

Play on the piano.

Tennis sometimes.

Play Zelda. <33(infinite 3s)



Talk to friends.

I'm boring. xD

I spend the day with my girls!

& some of the boys but mainly THE GIRLS MAYTEE!

& when I'm bored I dunno what I do, internet & sleep.

Honestly, sleep is my savour for boredom. Thing is

I get wayyy under the average of sleep, alot of the nights I dont even sleep.

I just lie on my bed all night, even if theres school the next day! :)

I don''t know why, so when I bored I usually go to bed, it stops me complaining,

I'm quiet & I'm catching up on some well needed rest! =DD

It depends.

For the first three weeks of summer I had Summer Gym from 8AM - 12PM.

Then I usually hung out with friends downtown. We'd go out to eat, chill at the library, go shopping, get ice cream, etc.

But that's over now.

The days I'm home I go on the computer, watch TV (ANTM marathons ftw), bake, and sometimes have friends over (when mother permits). I also play my guitar, sing, and write my own songs. :]

Either that, or I call up one of my friends who live in the neighborhood and we go bike riding or to the playground at the local elementary school ;D

For about a month every summer I volunteer and work at the YMCA Day Camp. My mom pretty much makes me do that, because she doesn't want me home alone everyday all summer, but I really don't mind. The kids are great, I get to tan and be outside everyday, see some of my friends who are Counselors-In-Training as well, and just... I dunno. I enjoy it. I wanna go into a child-based career and it looks great on a college application. It's all together beneficial for me.

I dunno. I'm usually not bored during the summer and have plenty of things to keep me occupied. O:

Today and for the next month, except the weekends, I'm going to a day camp. It kinda stinks but it's not that bad because we get to go in the pool two times a day and eat every hour or so.

I drive a school bus during the school year, and during the summer, I am a house painter. When I'm not painting, I like to swim, be on the tube (computer), roller skate, or work with my mini horse.

Mostly, I Tamatalk, Facebook and Youtube. Then I go to Cheerleading practice. Then I come home and Tamatalk, Facebook and Youtube. Then I play the Sims 3. Then I think about how much I hate Kaly, Charlie, Kyle, Ryan, and a whole bunch of other people, then I watch TV and eat till' I'm tired and feel like puking. Then, repeat.

End of story.

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