What do u think of the version 4.5..?


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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2011
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Auckland New Zealand

Sorry if this is already a subject, but i really would like to know what you think of the v4.5 tamagotchi?? As you can tell from my subject title i love the v4.5. I's currently running mine rite now. [Check out my log in tamagotchi logs 4 more details!!]

So anyway, please post on here what you think of the version 4.5 and if you want to can you answer the following questions:

  1. Is the v4.5 your favourtie version?
  2. If so whats your favourite character/s?
  3. Do you think the v4.5 could be upgraded in anyway?
  4. What do you think of the games? Do you like them??

If you said no to number 1 then don't bother answering number 2. :lol: Okay so if you want you can answer those questions, they don't have to be in order.

Please post, i would love to hear what you have to say!!! :D :D

Love from sakura-san123

i love 4.5 it is overall great and one it is better from v4 is your baby tama will inheirit skill points from its parents

Hiya sakura-san123 and welcome to TamaTalk!

For me, the V4.5 is my favourite version (not including the vintage versions),though some people may disagree because it is a BIG difference from the original P1 and P2.

On the V4.5 lots of new characters were released, my favorite being UraYoungMemetchi. To see a picture, click here.

Actually, I don't think that it needs upgrading at all, but maybe it should bring back some of the original features such as the light switch.

The games are ok, as Tamagotchi games often go. You start off with climb, and eventually progress to tug-of-war, apples, shaples and man-hole.

I own two V4.5's this one and this one.

So, overall I would rate it 9.5 out of 10 :)

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Hey my bestest pally, nice topic!

* Is the v4.5 your favourtie version? Yes, yes it is.

* If so whats your favourite character/s? Probably Ura Togetchi or Ura Mametchi

* Do you think the v4.5 could be upgraded in anyway? Bring back the lightswitch!

* What do you think of the games? Do you like them?? Yep. They're actually pretty entertaining by tamagotchi game standards, other ones tend to get a bit monotonous.

So Hope I have answer your questions!

The V4.5 is better then the iD L!!!!!!!!!!!

1.Is the v4.5 your favourtie version? YES!!!!

2.If so whats your favourite character/s? Ura-Violetchi and Ura-Young Memetchi

3.Do you think the v4.5 could be upgraded in anyway? I'd buy it for $25 if BanDai made a colour one!!

4.What do you think of the games? Do you like them?? YES that cloud jumping game and tug of war r the best!!!!

So its my fav version yes. I love it!!! Its the only Tama I find any fun since you don't have to take perfect care of it to get your fav character!

Wow! 4 replies already!! I didn't think i would get this many replies yet!!

Thanks so much u guys for posting on this topic and feel free to keep on posting love u guys!

Sakura-san123 :wacko: B) :lol:

I like my v3 better, mainly because it has soft buttons. I like my 4.5 alot though. (Sorry I forgot 99.5 of your questions... )

I read the qustions again

1. Answered

2. Ultra Violetchi (I'm a violetchi fan.)

3. No, it's perfect, except it needs softer buttons. (I don't know why I think that)

4. The games are ok

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Is the v4.5 your favourtie version? Could be. It's the tam that got me back into v-pets.

If so whats your favourite character/s? I don't really have a favorite. I like getting different characters.

Do you think the v4.5 could be upgraded in anyway? I wouldn't really say it needs an upgrade. There are so many different kinds of tams to choose from there's not reason to upgrade just one.

What do you think of the games? Do you like them?? I like the games on the 4.5 more than the 5.

the v4.5 is my favourite version so far all the new characters are a real change from the old reocurring bunch although it could do with the lightswitch back

i love it, and i agree, with softer buttons... lol :rolleyes: my feve character is :ichigotchi: and :furawatchi: althought idk if those are in v4.5 :unsure:

1.Is the v4.5 your favourtie version? No, the V3 is

2.If so whats your favourite character/s? I'd say Purimatchi and that Samurai guy.

3.Do you think the v4.5 could be upgraded in anyway? Not really...

4.What do you think of the games? Do you like them?? I must say I prefer the games to those on the V4.

Is the v4.5 your favourtie version? Nope, I think my favourite is the Tamagotchi + Color, the Tama-Go, and MAYBE my Angelgotchi once I start it up ^-^

If so whats your favourite character/s? My favourite character in general is Kuchipatchi for sure. xP -cough-Slight obsession.-cough-

Do you think the v4.5 could be upgraded in anyway? I dont really know, I did really enjoy that version and had a lot of fun experiences with it but I would have to say that I just dont have enough time to play all of the games to get skill points. It's way too hard especially with school and thats the reason why I stopped playing with it. But I do know a lot of people love that feature, so I dont think it'd be a very good upgrade getting rid of the games. ^^; But I definitely like the V4.5 more than the V4, I dont really know why. xD

What do you think of the games? Do you like them?? I cant remember the games but I'm pretty sure I liked them. o_O

Is v4.5 my fave version? TOTALLY! I have one running right now, along with my v3 and v5.

What's my favorite character? TOTALLY UraKuchipatchi... I WANT ONE SO BAD!!!

Could it be upgraded in any way? YES! Add the light switch...More characters (SORRY, I'M SO GREEDY!!! :lol: )... Should have characters that have 1-use items that are special to each character... it would make each character gain 4 happy hearts :)

Games? I don't remember v4, but I remember LOVING them. The games get a little tedious in v4.5. I wish there were SLOTS! You could earn 900 points then!

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