What did you get for Christmas?


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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2013
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Just making this advanced topic lol

So what did (or are) you getting for Christmas? I haven't opened my gifts yet, but I do know that one of the gifts I'm getting is a Samus Amiibo and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD.

Post it here and Merry Coffretchimas!

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I don't know all of them, but i know I'm getting a Royal Pink 4U in the mail probably friday based on the tracking....but its for christmas haha

I'm gonna get a Tamagotchi and Tomodachi Collection, some other things.

But it's not christmas yet. .3.


Pretty great gifts this year

A bit disappointed though at that spelling of my named embedded on the notebook...

I got to open up a gift on Friday, a Dream Coffret edition P :D It really made me happy q.q

I got a lot of dresses, a PS Vita, a watch, a clock, a book, a suitcase (for when I move out kinda), some keychain charm thingies, some chocolates, and a box of doritos.

I will also be getting the drawing I talked about in the Christmas miracle topic later, as my mum didn't get it finished in time.

Also, one of my friends on tumblr sent me this it's really cute and I'm really happy!

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New 3DS XL Metallic Black

Super Smash Brothers

3DS Charger

Wacom Pen and Touch Drawing Tablet

Wacom Wireless Kit

24 Pack of Ferrero Rocher

I didn't get any gifts for Christmas :( and I haven't got anything in a while...

A pocket designer, an iPad Mini and moneeeeeyyyy!! >w<

(I love my iPad Mini it's white >=3)

I got Super Mario Galaxy 2 for the Nintendo Wii, and Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS.

..and a santa hat.

A hoodie, 3 pairs of fuzzy pajama pants, fuzzy slippers, a bracelet, and Littlebigplanet 3! (to share between me and my brother).

I got two tama P's, three pairs of fuzzy pajamas, two pairs of fuzzy socks, and money :D

A Music Star V6, Destiny, Bioshock 1&2, clothes, a journal, lotions and creams, and money. Very surprised and excited about the V6, wasn't expecting a tama from anyone but myself. :)

I got a sweggin watch, some jewelry, lots of makeup for some reason, so many pairs of toe socks, cool headphones, a Mario plush lol, a label maker lelel, and supr smESH BROS YEA

probably some other things too but I forgot

but so many toe sockssss

Edit: Oh yea I forgot to say I got a swaggin new hat and Dragon Ball Z season 1 on DVD B)

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