What did you do today?


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Woke up late.

Had a shower.

Sorted my hair and got dressed.

Went online

Here I am.

I do lead a rather interesting life.

Woke up at 7, brushed my teeth and put my hair up.

Went for a nice hour jog.

Came home and washed my hair.

Ate a granola bar

Got online :gozarutchi:

Pretty much nothing.

Since I didn't have Internet this morning...

Walked the dogs at 6.

Went back to sleep.

Woke up at 11.

Stepmania for an hour.

Learned Boys & Girls by LM.C on piano.

Played Vongola festival until I got bored.

Practiced my actual piano lessons.


Well, I slept on the living room couch last night. I fell asleep at 5 in the morning and didn't get up until 2 in the afternoon. Then I laid on the couch with a headache for most of the day, took a shower, and here I am. Then I started feeling really depressed for a stupid reason so I moped around for a while, eventually got over it and now I'm here. xD

I stayed online for a long time.

I played Little Big Planet.

I took a nap.

Woke up hungry, so I ate some chips.

I went to my doctor appointment.

Came back, and saw one of my old friends on Msn.

We talked for a long time.

Went online again.

This day was just great. :D

Battled Ceci, and I lost. Drank soda. ate food. and went to the bathroom when i needed to poop.

I've done nothing yet since it's so early, butI 'm gonna go to our summer cottage today. ^^

Well, I sat around all morning, and I'm about to have some chicken soup to lunch then head off to the cinema with my friend Elena. :)

Just the same as yesterday basically.

Except I practiced guitar and uke. Then I attempted to sing but my throat still isn't up to it.

Then I went to the shop.

I might go out later, see if it makes me feel better. Or worse

Woke up, shower, went to work, came home, gym, watched TV, had dinner, washed dishes. Now I'm going to do webcam with my boyfriend, while listening to music.

Went to work, gym, had dinner, watched TV, now I'm settling down to surf the web a bit, probably going to read/watch a movie. Gonna get to sleep early, waking up early tomorrow.

Went to Target because I was bored.

Bought my sister a birthday/going away present.

Bought myself rubber bands shaped like dinosaurs.

Woke up.

Watched my other peacock hatch.

Cared for my tamagotchis.

Went to my mom's school.

Got impressions at the ortho for my retainer.

Fed my carnivorous plants.

Read several care books.

Skyped my friends.

Cared for my button quails.

Set up a cage for my peachicks/peacocks/peafowl/peahens.

Woke up.

Felt ill.

Went back to sleep.

Woke up.

Went to the toilet.

Went back to sleep.

Woke up again at about 10 am.

Ate a bacon sandwich.

Drew a picture and went on TT for a bit.

Played DS

Ate some spaghetti for lunch.

Went back to drawing/internet.

I feel so lazy.

Woke up.

Realized it was EXTREMELY cold in my house.

So I shut my vents.

Got a text from my mom at work saying she left the Air Conditioning on.

So I turned the AC off

Then I curled up trying to get warm, and fell back asleep.

Woke up

Went to get mail outside. The stuff I ordered from Victoria's Secret came in

On here, opening my things

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Made mashed potatoes

Went on tumblr

Listening to music


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