Woke up, did a few errands, went volunteering, cleaned up my room, had dinner with my boyfriend, watched the season premiere of Smallville, picked my sister up from the airport, and now I'm here! :furawatchi:
Woke up early, went to the store. Went to go pick something up from a friend's house briefly. Then I headed over to my boyfriend's house to share the day with him. Made ourselves a breakfast date by cooking at home, watched a college football game on TV (which we won, by the way), washed our cars because it was a nice day, went out to dinner, came home to watch the Glee episode we missed this week, and relaxed. It was a beautiful day.
Woke up around 6, did the last load of laundry while watching Spongebob, skimmed the pool, and went for a swim. Just got out of the pool about 15 minutes ago, and now I'm online.
Woke up, had breakfast, hung around for a bit, and then reading and homework. Lots of it. @_@ Surfed the net and Ebay-ed in between. I am still finishing up work and surfing the net.
Woke up, hung around, did some work, surfed the net, went to class, came home, watched Glee with my boyfriend long-distance style (he's away at school), and now I'm here!
Woke up early, showered, left for my boyfriend's house, left my boyfriend's house with my boyfriend's family to drive up to see a college football game. Met up with my boyfriend there, had some lunch, went to football game (we won!), had a fantastic dinner, came back down, I drove back home from the boyfriend's house, and went to sleep full and happy. :furawatchi:
Woke up, breakfast, went to the TamaTown demo day in my area , got some neat prizes from that (ALMOST walked away with a blinged-out Tama-Go), went to hang out with a friend for the evening, and I just got home from that. Might do some reading before going to bed.