-Went to my mom's work.
-Acted like a retard with my sister. It involes Degrassi:TNG. xD I was yelling "I'm gonna make it through!!" xDDD At my mom's work of course. =P
-Drew chibis' of the degrassi cast.
; I drew Jimmy(The disablbed guy) He says: "JOO GOT PWN'D BY DA CRIPPLE! > : D " I named him El Cripple. Drew Ellie, I wote "I hope everybody dies in this series. " Drew JT, wrote "I iz a drug deeler, 2 pay 4 teh rent.LOL" I drew that guy that shot Jimmy in the back and drew him hiding in a bush, saying "I wannaz kill El Cripple 4 beatin my son at b-ball."
-Went home.
-Practiced my instruments. I did the theme from the royal fireworks on Trombone.
-I Cried becuase I miss mr.hanna. I did "Symphony No. 9" with Mr.H at my ats band lesson, I pratcied that today...=(
-Acted like a retard with my sister. It involes Degrassi:TNG. xD I was yelling "I'm gonna make it through!!" xDDD At my mom's work of course. =P
-Drew chibis' of the degrassi cast.
-Went home.
-Practiced my instruments. I did the theme from the royal fireworks on Trombone.
-I Cried becuase I miss mr.hanna. I did "Symphony No. 9" with Mr.H at my ats band lesson, I pratcied that today...=(