What did you do today?


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-Went to my mom's work.

-Acted like a retard with my sister. It involes Degrassi:TNG. xD I was yelling "I'm gonna make it through!!" xDDD At my mom's work of course. =P

-Drew chibis' of the degrassi cast. o_O; I drew Jimmy(The disablbed guy) He says: "JOO GOT PWN'D BY DA CRIPPLE! > : D " I named him El Cripple. Drew Ellie, I wote "I hope everybody dies in this series. " Drew JT, wrote "I iz a drug deeler, 2 pay 4 teh rent.LOL" I drew that guy that shot Jimmy in the back and drew him hiding in a bush, saying "I wannaz kill El Cripple 4 beatin my son at b-ball."

-Went home.

-Practiced my instruments. I did the theme from the royal fireworks on Trombone.

-I Cried becuase I miss mr.hanna. I did "Symphony No. 9" with Mr.H at my ats band lesson, I pratcied that today...=(


-woke up

-went to school

-Screamed really loud because it was the last day. (YES!)

-Went home

-Alternated between piano and computer

-Went to Charlie Browns.

-Back on the computer...which is now.

•Wached Tv

•Went on the computer

•Went to A.C Moore

•Went to Target and got a cute beach bag

•Went to My friends house

•Bought a sun dress from her

•Went swiming

•Ate Ice cream

•Went home

•Wrote *M & b* on 48 wedding bubble containers

•Sraightend my hair

•Found a style to wear my bandana(like a biker)

•Ate oreos


[SIZE=7pt]Got up.[/SIZE]

Got ready.


Hair appointment.


Went to Subway. :)

Grade 8 Graduation.

School Dance.


Now, I'm here.

And as tired as ever.

It's time for bed. :marumimitchi:

Oh, and as of today, It's my summer! :)

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-Went to my mom's work...AGAIN *headesk*

-Ate Chocolate for breakfast o_O A Hershey Bar...xD

-Drank Pepsi(Cherry)

-Mixed Pepsi and water.Gross. Dx

-Spit out the water and pepsi mixture. O-O

-Went hyper

-Went outside


-Made a "Ugly People Yearbook" I know it sounds mean but its funny!

-Went home(Finally -____-)

-On now.

-Looked for Flute sheet music.

-Played Amazing Grace on Flute and The theme from the royal Fireworks on Trombone and did Montego bay on T-bone.

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-woke up at 8:20am

-went on the computer

-took a quick soak

-got dressed

-went to watch tv

-left for school

-played outside

-went to the other portables

-said good bye to some friends and hugged them all

-walked home

-i'm now here

I slept in till 12, then I ate breakfast, then I ate lunch at 1, lol. Then I read and I watched TV, then I got on the computer. Wow, what a boring day. Your not alone whoever started this. :unsure:

I already posted in here.. But I did something different today O: Surprise surprise!

I went and got my nails and eyebrows done, then went and got gas!

How exciting! /sarcasm

I was woken up by my parents bursting into my room at an ungodly hour in the morning to ask me if I wanted to eat at IHOP. So, I had to take a shower, get dressed, blowdry my hair, do my makeup.. Yeah.

Then we went to IHOP and I ate strawberry banana pancakes.

On the way back from IHOP [which ended up being around noon], we picked up a friend of mine and went back to the house to get ready to go to the waterpark. Then we left, but had to stop at a Dillons in Derby for gas and sunscreen.

Then we went to the waterpark and did just about everything there was to do.. Had a snack, Nicole put two jalepenos in my Pepsi, and my dad put one on her snowcone in revenge. Haha.

Then we left and dropped her back off at her house, went to Apple Market to buy cigarettes for my mom and two cases of Dr. Pepper, and went back to the house.

I took another shower to wash the chlorine out of my hair, got dressed, blowdried my hair and redid my makeup..

Then I checked my email, ate dinner, and here I am. :D

I woke up, and went to swim practice. (It started a bit late today and we didn't swim. We did dryland training the entire time D: So many situps)

Then I walked home. Then I watched the Law and Order marathon. Then I came on the computer after reading for a long time. And now I am sitting in my room being extremely angry over the fact that my mother has stolen a good eighty dollars from me in the past four days. She took all my graduation money I recieved last week. I should have known better than to leave it in my dresser bottom drawer. She's taken almost five hundred dollars from me in the past three years.

I woke up because I had very bad cramps, played with my tama, eat breakfast, get online, write in my log, go on myspace, go on tamatalk, eat lunch, play with my tama some more, get back online.


It's not so interesting :)

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Absolutely nothing so far. Well, nothing that constructive, anyway... But then it is only 10:17a.m., so there is still hope. LOL! Maybe later I will come in and post a whole looooooonnnnnnngggg list of productive things I did today. *cough* Um...yeah. But so far today I have only:

1. Got out of bed.

2. Let the dogs outside.

3. Fed the dogs their breakfast.

4. Had a double cup of coffee followed by a large glass of cold green tea with ginseng.

5. Got on the computer.

6. Taken care of my Tamagotchi.

-Went to my mom's work... xP


-Went home

-Practiced Trombone, did the songs again.

-Drank Tea.

-Listened to the "Degrassi Song(Parody)" xDD

-Went on

-The Degrassi song, xD

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