Well, Last week [On Wednesday] My mom and I, and our cousin the taxi driver went Shopping. Well He's not really our Cousin, He's married to our cousin. Whatever. xD
I had about 73 bucks to spend, So I bought
Those Arm thingies. You know, for arms? I don't know what they're called. xD
But I bought those at claires, They're black, with a plaid pattern on them, and One of the arm thingies had two little button thingies with skulls on them,
and Chains.
Two Necklaces, Both Skulls. One Bright pink, the other Bright yellow. Both from Claires. Actually, I was planning on just getting the pink one, but the sales lady
was all "Heyheyhey, the yellow one is half priiiceee!" So I bought it.
A Cell-phone charm. From Claires
Volume Two of the manga , Nora: The Last Chronicle of devildom. From Coles book store. <3333333333 I love it
The Twilight Soundtrack.
A Twilight poster of Edward and Bella. I could have chosen from that one, one of just Edward, or One of Just Jacob. I was thinking of getting the Jacob one
But then If I invited my friend over [Who's recently gotten into twilight], She'd Rape the Jacob poster if I hung it on my wall. xD
And with the leftover change, Bubblegum from a bubblegum machine.
If I didn't buy the Twilight soundtrack, I would have bought a Twilight shirt.
But the shirt didn't fit. It was too tight....well....It fit, but If I washed it it would shrink.