well id add cmore umm like camflouge becuz it looks nice i have blue camouflouge
Oh sad >.< Only 5 people voted for toys >.<These are my ideas.
Animal Prints: Nice idea, I would put a jungle theme with aminal prints. 9/10.
Camoflauge: Personally I don't really care. 4/10
Beach: That would be cute, just in time for summer maybe. 7/10
Sports: I'd put soccer balls, basketballs or footballs on a field. It would be nice. 5/10
Candy: That would be cute, I'd put things tamas eat (cake, lollipop) 8/10
Make-Up: No way, only really Girly-Girls would want that. 1/10
Toys: I voted for that, I'd like bears, action figures with tamas playing with them. It would interest little boys and girls. 10/10
Food: Things that tamas eat (popcorn, fries, hamburger)
Tama Characters: The same characters as the Lanyards, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, Mametchi. 10/10
Solid Colours: Like the V1's , with stickers. 8/10
Translucent: That would be cool, you could see the inside of your tama :furawatchi: 9/10
Seasons: Nice idea, maybe for each season that comes Bandai releases another colour? After one year you can have all 4! Wouldn't interest me compare to the other one's though. 7/10
Flowers: No, not unless Tropical Flowers5/10
i agree!!!I wanna See Like Trancelusect with Tama charcters on them! Trancelucent with little tamas scatered all over, that would be cute!
I celabrate Christmas because my family does.I also think animal prints would be cool.I disagree with Mametchi19 because of her Christmas idea. I do not celebrate Christmas and so do millions of other fans. It would decrease Bandai's sales.
I think animal prints would be cool.
I was on board with the character ideas but then I thought, what if someone couldn't get any of the characters featured on her shell and she got so mad--i don't know, just a thought.![]()