What color are most of your Tamagotchis?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
What colored Tamagotchi shells are most common in your collection? Uh, I'm bad at wording things XD

For me, it's...pink, oops! I have around 13 Tamagotchis, almost all of them with pink as the main color, but I think two of them just have significant pink design on the shell (my white with pink Music Star, and my yellow with pink Entama)

Also worth mentioning is the color blue :D I remember before my collection really started growing, almost all my Tamagotchis were blue lol. ATM I have 11 blue Tamagotchis~


(I would prefer black, but I didn't find any of that colour when I was searching...)

I have one of each general color.... (rainbow wise) then my color screens are mostly darker toned pastel.

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Mostly green, followed by blue, and then if I can, I'll get black or purple or grey or something. I tend not to like yellow or orange shells much unless it's a really nice design. Sometimes I'll get white, but I don't like how they yellow with age and all the scuffs show up on them so easily.

every single one of my tamagotchi's is blue. except one. it's purple.

All my tamas are different colours but I have at least 6 of them which are blue

Blacks, whites, golds, and silvers. I've never been all that big on actual "color" unless it's an accent to black/white. :p

I am not so picky in colours as long as it would be cheap and in great condition! So, my collection colours.are pretty various. But if I were to choose, I would love to have lots of yellows and light blues <3

I have a rainbow of Tamagotchis~ Blue and Pink are tied for the win. :D

Blue: 8

Pink: 8

White: 7

Yellow: 4

Purple: 4

Green/Teal: 3

Red: 1

Orange: 1

Black: 1

Silver: 1

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I actually do not have a collection, I just have had three tamas in my whole life. The first one, when I was 8-9 years old, the original v1, was yellow and orange with numbers. The second one, the v2 one or two years later I presume, was silver/black. And today, many and many years after those times, I'm playing whit my ID L Eng, which is yellow.

So, I supose are mostly yellow/orange ^_^

I think blue and pink tamas are the ones i gravitate to the most, but i will have to actually look through my collection to see for sure!

Umm... *Looks through collection* Surprisingly enough, I have mostly blue. I would have thought I'd have more pink. :eek:

I truly have all kinds of colours on my tamas, as I always focused more on price and version than colour...

Funnily enough though, I was surprised to see that blue and yellow seems to win. Seems like I unconsciously chose the colours of Sweden's flag, so I guess I am a true swede after all... :p

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