What books are you reading now?


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I'm reading New Moon now.
I have about 200 pages left. I imagine I'll finish it by tonight. Then I'll be on to Eclipse, and then Breaking Dawn.
Oooh my god I want the Twilight books sooo bad! I went to the library a couple days ago to look for them. All copies were checked out and over 30 people were on the wait list for each book.

Just Ella
Oh! I read that ages ago. Good book.

- - -

Right now I'm reading...gah, I forget the title of it, but a Torchwood novel (the one with the men in bowler hats and Jack/Michael that makes me go "HOMG."), and I gave up on Breaking Dawn, oh, I was reading A Brief History of Time by Stephen King but now I can't find it.

Warriors Series and XXX Holic (Manga. Interesting manga xD)

The funny thing is, Im at the library right now xD

My own writing. =/ I need to go through my story to edit and stuff. It's taking me FOREVER, seeing at it's 400+ pages.

lets see because i am an UBER fast reader. so really they are books i have already read but here they are

Twilight series

Maximum Ride

artemis fowl the time peredox

the fire within series

Vampire diaries (both books)

thats all i can remember for right now.

I finally finished Coraline... i am reading Afterschool Nightmares. -finishes the book- WHAT!? I NEED THE SECOND ONE!!! -checks the libery- NOO!! THEY DON'T HAVE IT!!

lets see because i am an UBER fast reader. so really they are books i have already read but here they are
Twilight series

Maximum Ride

artemis fowl the time peredox

the fire within series

Vampire diaries (both books)

thats all i can remember for right now.
The new Artemis Fowl book? I'm still waiting to read that. I want to get it out as soon as it comes in! I cried when Foaly threw his foil hat away in the second book. To me, it was like a part of him. :furawatchi: :unsure:

I didn't know you liked the Artemis Fowl books. I can't wait to read the new one either. :lol:

I'm reading the hitchikers guide to the galaxy books at the moment (And no, I have never watched the movie). I found it funny that Arther Dent had an argument with a drinks machine. :wacko: :ph34r:

:furawatchi: TamagotchiGirl2007 :unsure:

I just started a new book last night called "Children of the Lamp"

I've only read like... 8 pages, but so far it's good! ^^

I'm currently reading Twilight for the 3rd time.

I'm waiting for The Host to arrive in the mail..

There was another book my friend reccomended me.. I think it was called "Betrayed" or something. I think I'll pick a copy up if I manage to go to Target soon.

I have to get a new copy of Twilight. This copy is all battered up. x..x;

Nin is experiencing some dillemmas. See, Nin picks up a book. Start reading. All is jolly!

Then someone else says, "Why, its a book that is evidently being read! Let us snatch while she is in the bathroom and run away!" so then Nin comes back, she is wondering where her book is, so she starts another one, and she ends up doing this for quite some time. So has been the case when she started A Brief History of Time, Hogfather, A Hitch Hiker's Guide to The Galaxy, all of the My Neighbor Totoro mangas, A Cynics Dictionary, WAL-MART. She gets quite distraught.

Right now, Nin is reading The King in The Window. She has also recovered Hogfather, and for school is reading a Lise Meitner biography, Alexandria's Album, Lyddie, The Number Devil and Jurassic Park. She also intended to start Doctor Who: Only Human yesterday when she was sick, but she was swept away from reading very quickly. Poor Nin.

[SIZE=13pt]I'm reading a few different kinds of manga's! x3[/SIZE]Of course...I still don't have the money to buy the later volumes of them. @.@ -Cries-

But the ones that I'm ready are...

•Ceres Celestial Legend (3rd volume)

•Absolute Boyfriend (5th volume)

•DN Angel (3rd volume)

•Chobits (6th volume)

•Gravation (3st volume T.T)

•.hack (3st volume D:)

•The Tarot cafe (4th volume)

•Death note (3rd Volume)


And~ I think thats it!

I'm most likely forgetting something...But oh well. xP

I believe thats pretty much it! x3
:3 I edited them ♥


I shouldbe done with all of my books now but I'm so not. I'm a really fast reader, but I just haven't...been interested. Oryou know...had...time..


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