What are your parents doing right now?


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I don't care for the date.

My mom is on the phone and my dad is maybe watching TV.

Mum's lecturing me about how I should get dressed and get outta bed.

Dad's somewhere at his house, probably on the laptop as always. xD

Mum's at work and probably on FaceBook xD

And Daddy is at work too. Probably in the *** wops at some random farm.

Dad chopping fishies with a butcher knife, and making a RACKET. D:

Mummmy is in her bedroom reading newspaper.

Both of my parents are at work.

My mom is probably in court... I think she said she had court today.

My dad is probably in his cubicle on his fifth cup of coffee. xD

My dad is.. somewhere.

And my mom is watching Obsessed

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