What Are You Wearing Right Now?


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Red Arrows Tee

Black short shorts

Black glasses

Random bracelets

Makeup, etc

Undies, etc

Edit, I gave up on painting

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School shirt.

School pants.

Stripey socks with lots of holes. D:

Underwear and all that.

I am very boring today. Rofl. x3

Plaid-ish red gray and black hoodie t-shirt~

Reallly short black shorts. xP

And one purple sock.

And a bra.

And my glasses.

Beige short shorts

Blue floral top

White American eagle plain white cardigan


Dog slippers!

Aqua glow-in-the-dark jelly bracelet 8D

My Darth Vadar costume!

Minus the chest plate thing and head thing though.

Cause they make computerizing myself difficult.

Solona extreme skinny. :) BLACK ONES.

White dress length but see-through flowy tube top.

Black velvet ballet flats.

I'm wearing my homecoming dress. :D

I bought it today, and put it on after i got home, and just left it on.

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My daddy's white shirts that he sleeps in.

My mommy's colorful hearts pajamas.


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