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The best book ever is East by Edith Pattou! Everyone in the entire world should read that book! It's soooo good.
I havent read east, but i have read north child, the most amazing book ever!

my favourite =)

I'm reading Accident by Danielle Steel, Hoot by I-forget-who, and Inkheart by Cornelius Funke... I wanna finish Hoot pretty badly.

rght now well ijust finishe d 21 balloons a great book by william de bois it is about a profeeor would sets of a journey with one balloons and gets caught with 21 balloons it is a awesome book but now i am about to finish captain kate it is amazing i am about to start eldest ;) :furawatchi: :p :wacko: :blink: :huh:

Well, now I'm reading Raven Quest, all the sixth-graders are yapping about how much of a good book it is, but it's kinda bleh. xD

I'm reading LIONBOY by Zizou Corder who is actually two people, but they couldn't fit both their names on the front cover of a book, so they named themselves after the younger girls' pet lizard, spelt Zizu. (They're both females.)

Could anyone who has read it tell me if it's good? I haven't got very far, only page 107 of 336 and I'm not sure if I've actually got engaged with the story. Don't tell me what happens, I have an idea though.

Best Wishes,


I just finished reading New Moon by Stephenie Meyer and while I am waitng for Eclipse to come I am reading Uglies by this guy whoose name I have temporarly forgotten. lol

I'm working on Animal Farm. I've heard it's good. I'm not very far though.

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