What are u Running?


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My new Akai arrived and I'm running it with my iD L!

I love it so far! the red screen is so original and the animations are really cute :lol:

I'm currently running my akai ( gozarutchi got married and had a son ^_^ ) and my p2 although i leave it at home sometimes :p

Hello everyone!

I am currently running a Tamagotchi P (yumemitchi) and a V2 (young mametchi perhabs?). Waiting for my nano to arrive so I can run that one as well.

Hope it doesn't become too much when I start school again :p

It is the first time I run s many tamas.

An original Friends (wave 2), and a Dream Town Friends.

I'm running my Tamagotchi Friends (Tris, Neotchi), TamaGo (Benedict, Kilalatchi), and Music Star (Natalie, :ichigotchi: ).

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Currently got Saviorhackmon on Digimon Unlimited, and Ura Yattatchi on my Uratama. Saviorhackmon should be evolving into Jesmon tomorrow - as for my next runs, I'll be going for Professor Agumon and Rainbowtchi.

V3 & V4

When my Angel Gotch comes in the mail, I may use that one in exchange for my v3.

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