What are some odd things you like?


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I like



Seafood (like crab and squid and i've never tried lobster but would probably like it)

the sound of rain

studying... people!

Not that weird, but it's some things. I'll edit if I think of anything.

Finding out things about synthetic sugar (o_o)

Researching the effects of illegal drugs

Disease, diagnosis, effects, and symptoms

Shows like Mystery Diagnosis where the disease is unknown

Different phobias

Diet Coke and Cherry carbonated water plus half a teaspoon of powder sugar <3

Finding out things about synthetic sugar (o_o)Researching the effects of illegal drugs

Disease, diagnosis, effects, and symptoms

Shows like Mystery Diagnosis where the disease is unknown

Different phobias

Diet Coke and Cherry carbonated water plus half a teaspoon of powder sugar <3
Yuuummmmm I love sugar with my cherry water, just not coke, lol!

mine is kindof unexplainable. it is like u r scared t death that the worst possible thing is going to happen, and worse. i have terible anxienty. I luv cats!

Dr.Pepper (xDD)

- OK, this isreally weird... for some reason, I find people with mustaches very funny. Mustaches make me laugh like no other thing on earth. xDDD

I love;


-My doggie

-My phone

-My bags!!

-And I like my tama alot :D .

I have a wierd obsession with even numbers though, like the TV volume & PC volume have to be even numbers and my tamaposts have to be even before I log out. I just like things to match & patterns.

o.o Lol well for some reason, I find illness's and deceases very interesting!
you love learning about diseases but you can't spell it right? Jk!

I like every vegetable, every fruit, almost anything but peanut butter and mustard (people tell me that its weird)

I like to see what color peoples eyes are, and sometimes I try to figuire out their personality by them (only if I don't know them)

and I like................................................. being sore. It makes me feel good for some weird reason... :D

I love Fall Out Boy and music.

I like the smell of gasoline.

I sometimes like to see people fail when I'm jealous.

I like sour things.

Mustard. =P

Mustard AND cheese sandwichs.

I like to pick fish up.

And yeah, nothing special.


- I like music in foriegn languages. It doesn't matter which language. I just like it. <3

- Pink. AS A HAIR COLOR. I can't stand it otherwise.

- Learning about mental diseases and poisions. o_O;

- ... in Tokyo Mew Mew/ Mew Mew Power, I like Mint and Kish (Cornia and Dren in MMP) as a couple. XD

- sushi. YUM~

- rain/thunderstorms.

- mashed potatoes with steak juice XD

- being so tired you can fall asleep anywhere you want. It's just so peaceful and nice-feeling~

- japanese stuff. (Not too weird)

- sitting down in the shower. o_O

oh yeah, a previous post reminded me that i like the smell of permanent markers.

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