What Annoys You?


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gross people

my brother screming

yaoi and yuri they are GROSS when i look up south park i see cartmen and kyle kissing its so wrong!!!!!!!!

justin beiber fangirls they SUCK they cry over him i tell them to shut up or ill beat you all up


huricanes tropical storms


infaltible pools are annoying they can break good i can tell you that my brother poked his toys in the pool then the pool broke!!!!!!!

when ppl eat loud i cant stand it ahhhh

ppl clear there throats to much i get anoyed! my bro does this sometiemes its rare but he does it i have to tel him to shut up


yep thats all my stuff i hate

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CHAVS there all some annoying grrr



AND CHAVS :angry:



People who have no motivation, and sit around feeling sorry for themselves, when they could just do something to fix it. I also really hate people who don't think for themselves, or just do things to make people happy. Those are very frustrating qualities when it comes to people. Otherwise, not much else annoys me, honestly.

Someone that does those :( :( :( a billion times or whines, thats my biggest pet peeve.

People who ask for free tamagotchis, we bought them with our own money!

People who ask to get vintage tamas, aka devilgotchi, for ridiculously low prices.

- When people save images in JPG format when it's not a photo.
I use jpeg usually cause it has a nice compression rate and most places if you post pics accept jpeg because of it's compression rate. I know why it's supposed to be used for photography and painted pics, but really is it that bad?

- People pronouncing words incorrectly (according to me), like saying NO-vember, Ay-PRIL, JOO-ly, Au-GUST. Those are only some examples.
Just curious, how do you think these words are supposed to be sounded out? Cause just reading them sounds like the way I and any other American would say them..... o_o

Old people who CAN NOT drive anymore, but do...

and people who text/talk on the phone while driving.
I agree with you - my husbands grandparents sometimes drive us to places and it scares the dickens outta me O_O they should not be driving a Dodge Ram pick up truck at their age. and phones in cars too.... x_x

-people who have bratty snotty children and think that it is appropriate to ignore them and leave them whining and crying in a store/restaurant/ect... and not deal with the situation instead.

-people who find out that when you have an illness or issue with your life that you are automatically not worth their time (same for people who look down on people on the streets)

-people who chew gum loudly (if you chew it with your mouth closed that's cool with me XD)

-social networking sites

-cell phones/texting

-people who litter blatantly like right in front of other people... -_-

-I don't appreciate swearing on public forums

That's all that really irks me for the most part.


And last but not least, cut the rope. What a waste of time. And the little green dinosaur is basically a direct rip off of bubble bobble for the NES, but no one realizes this because that was a whole different generation. Except the one in cut the rope is more stupid looking. I hate when people say that it's so cute, it disgusts me.
I just saw this and I have to say, I don't feel the little whatever it is from cut the rope looks anything like Bub or Bob. I grew up with them - played bubble bobble on the Apple II E and they look totally different to me XD. Also the game play looks nothing alike. I'm sorry it annoys you though.

Bub and Bob:


Whatever this thing is:



I just saw this and I have to say, I don't feel the little whatever it is from cut the rope looks anything like Bub or Bob. I grew up with them - played bubble bobble on the Apple II E and they look totally different to me XD. Also the game play looks nothing alike. I'm sorry it annoys you though.

Omg the Apple IIe. The green lines are burned into my memory.

Omg the Apple IIe. The green lines are burned into my memory.
LOL that and the sound of it booting a disk XD

Also thought of something else that annoys me,

-People who have to have the latest and greatest thing that just came out, even if it necessarily isn't any better than what they already have like the craze over iphones.

-And TV shows that popularize things that are terrible like 4 year olds in beauty pageants and 16 and pregnant....


People in general



What annoys me the most is when guys stare at me for more than 10 seconds.

It annoys me so much. Like idk why they do but they do.

People who hate for no godd*mned reason. Or to be a part of the crowd. I've seen people hate Snooki. Sure she's trashy, but it doesn't kill anyone? People also hating on Rebecca Black because of one. song. Why do you keep listening to it then? I thought if we hated a song we never listened to it. If it played on the radio and/or TV, change the station/channel :|

Creepers. Nah, I can beat them up |'D

Not trolls.. they're funny :3


When my parents nag

Tomorrow. I need to finish HEAPS of work and I have swimming lessons =n=;

on some chat site it says, " is typing..."

but then they keep deleting it, then start again, then delete again...(this goes on and on)

I have more to add to my old list I posted here earlier!

-People who think they can RP but can't

-People who join literate Rps even though they're n00bs to RPing

-People who have never RPed but think they know everything about RPing

-People who complain too much

-The fat guy on the bus who sits with you so you're crammed by the window trying not to even touch this fat guy

-Overplayed songs on the radio like "Rolling In The Deep"

-Songs that are basically all about sex, drinking, drugs, that kind of dirty stuff

It annoys me when people say like a million things when they text you, but when you talk to them in real life, they're like ""Yeah.", "Oh I know." *turns around*"

It annoys me when people judge me at school, yes. i do know the popular people in my school. yes. i do hang out with them. no. i'm not a **** like them, i'm also not ghetto like most of them.

It annoys me when my mom tells me to do 3 things at once, for example; "Clean up your room, do the dishes and then the laundry." Like, heyall no.

My Social Studies teacher annoys me. Don't even get me started on her. If you want to be a good fn teacher then why don't you be nice for a freaking change! Plus she's rude to my mom, and picks favorites. T.T

16 and pregnant. That show is probably THE MOST annoying show I have ever seen. It's worse than Jersey Shore.

Litter. It has annoyed me for as long as I can remember. When I see people litter i'm like, "PICK THAT UP."

It annoys me, that where I live, there are multiple racist Mexicans. Like, this one chick was like, "My teachers say my name the WHITE boy way, its SOOO annoying." and then, "OMG you're dating somebody?" "Yeah!!" "Is he white?" "Yeah." "Then he's ugly.", and then I know a few people that are like, "All these white people are annoying", and "Stupid Americans!" and stuff like that, like, if you have a problem go back to Mexico. Why are you in America in the first place if you don't like us. :/


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