What A Coincidence!


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Me and Jen both like the word *removed*
Omg I friggin love that word :D


Anyway, once I went to look at my friends photos on myspace and the caption for the photo was lyrics to part of the song I was listening to, and those lyrics played just as I read the caption... perfect timing :huh: Lol it was so weird.

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Well, I just learned that the GUILT in trauma center's names are Greek weekday names, and triti [my least favorite guilt] is wednesday [my least favorite day]

There is another girl in my class with the same first name as me in my class, and our surnames begin with the same letter. We have similar coloured hair and we both have freckles.

PS. This is not a bump. It's been way less than 3 months since a post.

my best friend started up a club called the "B" family, where everyone in the club gets a made up name. My made up name is Beth *points to .tee.hee...x*

rofl. Weird much?

Haha. Michelle said "I hate those" the same time I said "I love those"

Coincidence is the noteworthy alignment of two or more events or circumstances without obvious causal connection.
Well, have any funny encounters with your TT friends/family/anything else?

I have, well, a few times with my TT friends and family. Yet some are very long stories, Lol.

Me and my friend were doing this word scramble thingy on facebook, and 'fart' and 'gas' just happened to be in the same set of letters xD

Whenever I see my friends alot in the hallway.

They'll joke around and say something like "STALKER!".

Great topics to post some of the TT look-a-likes from camp! :)

A girl who looked like Starfire

A girl who looked a LOT like Vegan Michelle, who's name was Ksenia. (now seriously. What are the ods of that!?)

A girl who looked like Beth.


My friend's sister and I were at the same anime convention, and had a conversation. I didn't know it was her till like, months later.

When I found out, it killed my brain.

Plus, my friends and I say things at the same time so much we've abandoned "Jynx, you owe me a soda!". We just either ignore it and move on, or giggle and make this hand motion my best friend and I made up for it in 5th grade.

Once, my best friend was singing a song in her head, and I started singing the same song out loud at the exact same point she was at, she said o_o

The other day I was with my friend, her cousin, and her cousin's friend. Then I realized that her cousin's friend was my old friend's little brother and he lived in the flamingo house.

Ksenia told me she saw someone that looked just like me, but I told I wasn't in Australlia recently. I never was X3

Today in drama we were discussing our proformance topic [The 7 deadly sins] and our sin is anger and Grace was telling us about her idea for the sketch and she's like "And then someone gets really angry" and at that exact moment Laura, who was on the other side of the stage yelled "I'M SO FREAKING ANGRY AT YOU" at a person in her group. It was really creepy but cool.

Sometimes when I log on AIM or YIM, my friends usually logs on 1-2 minutes later.

And whenever Nicki & I talk, we usually makes references to TV shows, and strangely we're able to respond to the references by saying another reference to a TV show.

Once, in english class, we were having a competition boys vs girls to see who could make the most correct sentences in certain sentence patterns the fattest. I had to go against this grade 10 kid, and our sentence was -ing as noun. So we both wrote "Driving is an essential skill" except by the time I was finished, he was only half way done the sentence xD

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