wet/swimming tama!


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If its swimming in syrup its probably a gonner. Even if you did manage to clean it, it still will be sticky, I threw my mobile phone to my fiance and it flew right into his glass of juice and my mobile phone got all sticky and juice got under the buttons and now they stick when I press them lol still works though.

mine fell into the toilet and it was fine

but a few days later when I open it to change the battery

some part of the circuit was rusted

so DONT forget to dry everything before it rusted!

hey thx!!! my tama had a swim about 8 months ago. i wish i'd known then . i nmeed a new battery but hx 4 the tip. did ur screen scrunch up tho? th bak round was all weird and crumply on mine. :p

k g2g B)


apple-cutie :D

that happened to me once. i had my tama V1 in my pocket and my mum washed it then we left it for 24 hrs facing upwards and it was dead but the a button was hard to push but its still going

IF your tama gets wet (really  wet) this works. we had one that got soaked! :wacko:   we thought it was a gone forever. happily, this worked;
As soon as your tamagotchi takes a plunge in a liquid, get the battery out. you don't want it all to short out inside. Keep the battery out for 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on how wet it got. *IT HAS TO BE COMPLETELY DRY BEFORE PUTTING THE BATTERY BACK IN* inside and out. when ours dried and we put the battery back, we were on the "download/reset" screen. we got the our old Tama back! the only problem we had was that the "A" button was hard to push, but after a few days everything was back to normal! JUST DON"T GIVE UP with this. Keep trying!

Good luck with your swimming tama's! I hope you never have to use this tip!

One time my (old) friend`s tama fell into a cat waterdish and it still works! :D (well, it kinda works. His tama has black sripes on it!)

And one of the buttons is ripped out, so the thing is useless!

Has this happened to anyone?

my tama went down the toilet yesterday bcause my bro was on the computer & i wanted to play the tama game on neopets and it was fine when it was in yesterday it was fine but after a while it went off so my dad had 2 take it apart and now its fine i was screaming when it went in but im now aloud to change my back ground.

p.s i told my bro and he said GOOD <_< he has a tama of his own but he doesnt play with it so my dad does.

do ya have any ideas 4 a back ground?

my brother licked it and it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <_<

That's a good tip! I've never gotten my Tama wet but if it ever does, I'll be sure to use this. :)


-Tamaguy#1 :lol:

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