Weird Smells....


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Does anybody else have weird smells in their houses that just wont go away ?

It's really odd.

Whenever I'm sitting on the couch, I can smell this horrible spicy smell and it makes me nauseous.

The rest of my family can smell it too, and its just in the couch area.

We have no idea what it is, but it smells soooo bad.

And it cant be some sort of food that might have spilt onto the couch or something, because we're not allowed to eat there.

It's really starting to get me mad because I can't even sit on my own couch anymore without gagging.


A few weeks ago, everyone walked into our classroom, and started gagging. My friend even threw up. It smelled like really strong cheese, that went rotton. No one could figure it out why only that day it smelled bad. We went through the day with our sweaters pulled up over our nose. Then the next day a solution was found...

What happened was that our sinks got plugged up by people dumping their leftover milk from our milk program down the drains. Just then though, the sink took it's toll, and spit up the 45161346 week old milk a bit. O.O

Edit: Typo. XD

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In my bedroom, my side table that is next too my bed, smells terrible! I'm starting to think it's because there are multiple candy wrappers, Starbucks cups, and other foods there.

It's so bad though, that I've had to start sleeping with my head at the foot of my bed, instead of at the top!


I.finally.figured.out.where.the.smell.was.coming.from. o_o

My family played this gift game yesterday, and my parents took home a blanket and a pillow for their gift.


It smells so bad! We're just going to throw in the closet and only take it out when my great aunt comes around, because she is the one who bought it.

For years and years, a certain spot outside in the driveway smelled like a dead animal. It was only last year (2008 of course) when they were working on the septick (sp? plus they live in the country so there is so sewer system) system and it turned out all of that was old poop. In a septick system they rely on bacteria and bugs and crap to eat all the poop and pee that you flush down the toilet. This septick systemlost that and it piled and piled and let off a horrible smell until FINALLY they fixed it :]

YES.I.finally.figured.out.where.the.smell.was.coming.from. o_o

My family played this gift game yesterday, and my parents took home a blanket and a pillow for their gift.


It smells so bad! We're just going to throw in the closet and only take it out when my great aunt comes around, because she is the one who bought it.
Can it not be washed so it smells only like a clean blanket?

My house doesn't smell weird. But I have items that smell weird. OwO

My Piccolo smells like cat food.

My Tuba smells like crayola crayons. xD

And my Trombone smells like... Popcorn. OwO

[My Flute doesn't smell like anything]

When we moved into this house it smelt like nasty budget cleaning products and took half a year to smell like our old house [cakes, food, mums purfume and another smell we don't have name for]

Every once in a while you'll get a wiff of tacky cleaning products from a cupboard or something.

My maths classroom smells like poop. We've figured out it was like a fox living in the roof one of the tiles fell down and it had been pooing every where. Know one knows how it got up there but it did.

Theres a closet outside my room and it smelt so bad I couldnt sleep in my room. My little brother suddenly remebered that his friend came round and they where playing hide and seek at lunch time and he brought his sandwich upstaris and hid in the closet eating it he put it down and forgot about it and it went moldy (it had cheese in it) and it stunk sooooo much.

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