Weird dream o_O


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Last night I had this really weird; I'll share it with you!

Ok. At the beginning of my dream, I wasn't in it I was just watching it like I was watching a movie you know? Anyhow, there were characters from a show I watch (Coronation Street) and they were in this dark room so you couldn't see their faces. One persons name was Phil, the other Ileane, and the other Claire. Phil smoked a cigar and said, "Heh, those pills aren't good anymore." Claire nodded, and responded with an evil smile, "I know. Instead of eating them for me, I eat them for my baby." She patted her stomach, laughing wickedly. Suddenly, another person (Gail) walked through the door. She saw Phil, and imeddiatly backed down. They had been dating at some point, but she kicked him out for threatning her son.

Then, instead of them, I was viewing these little midgets (o.0) and they were also hatching up evil plans. They weren't really bad people, but they wanted money badly. They charged people $100 to come to their "Dentist, Doctor, and More" office, even if they had never doctored or cleaned teeth before. Then, they would say to people, "I need to see your ID please." They would take, look, and switch the ID for a fake one. They had a copy of every persons ID in the city. With this ID, they can change the picture to themselves and get the money the people got paid for their jobs, ect.

Let's get on with the dream. x]

Ok, this is when I come into the dream. My dad sent me to the Dentist office (which was the "Dentist, Doctor, and More" place) and after a few minutes of waiting it was my turn. I went down this long, narrow hallway and turned. I was placed in an old chair, and the midget guy opened my mouth and looked around. "They're clean." he said. I looked at him strangly. "Don't I have some special water to swish around?" I asked. The guy quickly nodded, and handed me some water. "We're all done here!" he said, smiling. I hpped out of the chair, and slowly walked back up the hall. There was a school inside one of the rooms, and tamagotchis were being taught inside! I suddenly turned into a tamagotchi myself, and hid outside the door. A little midget yelled at me saying, "What are you doin' here!?" I gulped and waddled up the hallway and to my Dad. Then we left, me turning back into my normal self.

xDD Have any weird dreams to share?


That's weird here's mine:

Last night I dreamed I was at school and I was trying to get to lunch. Then this starfish told me to walk downstairs. All of the sudden I was engulfed in water (which I'm terribly afraid of drowning.) I somehow swam out and tried to run upstairs but the stairs were like a ladder and if I fell I would fall into water again. This couple who were at the school told me to get off. I asked "what's down there a dollar?" The women said 12 dollars. So I fell and ran to my locker. I got the wrong coat. Ran downstairs and saw my sister. She told me to go back in the school. Then I ran away.

It was really strange!

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I had a dream that i could fly but then all of a sudden i couldnt!

But it was cool i mean awesome in my dream!

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