Webster04's logs


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Hi everyone, i decided to start this log with a picture of Ryusei and Kitsune^-^

The last 2 days have been rather dull, but then again not much goes on when you only have 2 tamagotchi's going and both happen to be adults. Speaking of them, it seems Ryusei is getting needier than he was 2 days ago so I fear he will be leaving anywhere in the next 3 to 5 days, right now he's 18yrs old and just in the time it took me to eat breakfast this morning he had dropped 3 hunger hearts and 2 happy hearts... but I love him enough to continue playing games with him to keep his weight at it's min if 30^-^

As for Kitsune he's still as cute as ever and hardly ever needs anything at his young age of 6 (his screen shows 7 but that because i accidentally aged him a few nights ago), he goes for walks about 2 times a day and asks for praises about as much, speaking of which I managed to snag a few more pictures of him and here they are.


There he is asking for a praise


and there he is pooping after said praise^-^

I'm still working on getting a better picture of him after he returns from one of his walks. Well thats about it for now, hopefully i'll get a few more images i can post later on, take care fellow readers and tamagotchi caretakers^-^

This is gonna not only be a short log today but a sad one at that...

First off yesterday evening we lost our internet connection so i was unable to post this at the time it happened so thats why i'm posting now, and with that out of the way i'll let you all in on the sad news i have.

Last night at 7:30pm while watching wipout Ryusei at the ripe old age of 20 let go and left me, I was in the middle of playing a game with him when the screen did it's little checkered pattern just like when he changes form and when it cleared he just stood there looking sad with a skull on the screen. He left me full and happy, I was able to say my goodbyes to him as his beeps got further and further apart then he made a big smile and left me a new egg to hatch and a little ghost by a grave was all that was left on the screen... of course i have a few pics of that to show everyone.



I immediately rehatched him and after the hours of constant care of the little shirobabitchi he changed into tonmarutchi and promptly went to sleep since it was almost 9pm at the time of his change. Right now his stats are Age:2 Weight:11 Discipline:25% Hunger:full Happiness:full and i hope to have my sweet long eared mimitchi back anywhere in the next 6 days from now.

Edit: *Sigh* less than 1 hour after posting this I wet to check on Kitsune only to find him crying, I know angelgotchi's leave early but i though he'd live past the age of 10 yrs old...




Goodbye little Kitsune, I really enjoyed caring for you and hope to see you again one day as Ginjirotenshi.

After that I reset him and this time i'm going for a different character, since i've allready got ginjirotenshi my new goal with him is to get every character on my angelgotchi since i've yet to see all of them.

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After tuesday and wensday's deaths i'm doing alot better now, so let me let you in on how both Ryusei and Kitsune are doing.

After my last post little ryusei asked for 3 disciplines during the day bringing him to 75% before he went to bed at 8pm that night and kitsune asked for 3 praises but since i was a bit distracted i ended up missing on of them but other than that thigns were going good.

Yesterday I waited all day for ryusei to ask for his last discipline and for kitsune to change into his teen form and during the wait i noticed kitsune do something i've never seen and of my other marutens do... he went for a walk! I probably never noticed it cause i'm normally not trying to be a hovering parent to him but upon bringing him back he was singing to me^-^ Around 2pm he promptly changed into kodoten and his deeds bar dropped back down to 25% and only a hour or so after this ryusei asked for his last discipline making his bar full.

Then around 4pm he got sick telling me that he would be changing soon but i knew he wouldn't change that night and instead would be changing this morning (and boy was i right). About an hour after waking up at 9am he changed into tongaritchi and his discipline bar dropped down to 50% so now i need to catch his next two disciplines and in the next three days or so i should have my sweet little mimitchi back.

I'm currently waiting for kitsune to change into his adult form which when it happens i'll update this log with pictures of him since this time i'm going for kuriten and then the twin angels Futagotenshi, and like i said last time i'm working on getting every character on my angelgotchi before i go back to getting ginjirotenshi oh little kitsune, the last one being Pukuten... since that is yet another character that turns into Futagotenshi and i rather not get the twin angels 2 times in a row.

Update: At exactly 2:21pm kitsune finally changed into Kuriten!



Even though this isn't my favorite character in a way he is still cute and now i have a few days before i'll get Futagotenshi and hopefully this time he'll stay around a bit longer than he did the last time.

Update #2: Since kitsune change this afternoon he's asked for 2 praises so far, and i couldn't help but take a few images of the event^-^


There he is asking for his first praise


and there he is taking his first poo, the look on his face is so adorable^-^

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Not much has gone on since my last log, Kitsune has been going for a walk a day and asking for about 2 praises which is normal for his age and currently Ryusei asked for his first discipline since changing yesterday bringing his bar back to 75%. My hopes right now are that both kitsune and ryusei change tomorrow but before that happens ryusei will need his last discipline and to get sick (which should happen sometime today).

On another note the usual thing of tama's i buy showing up on saturday has happened again, and if you haven't visited the group hatch thread here then visit my Vintage Tamagotchi Group Hatch and you'll know that indeed my newest little tama arrived! Ah heck, i'm gonna post a pic of him here^-^


I've named him Haku and he's currently a happy bouncing Marutchi. But until the hatch is over i won't really be talking much about him here, instead i'm going to wait on that until he dies a natural death and gets re-hatched before i do that. I'll update if and when ryusei gets his last discipline and gets sick and also if kitsune happens to change into Futagotenshi.

Update #1: At 1pm ryusei asked for his final discipline then shortly after at 1:45pm got sick^-^ I'm now waiting for him to poop so i'll have a estimate on when he will be changing. Well, no sooner did i update this he pooped around 2:05pm, so sometime between 11am and 2pm tomorrow i should have sweet little mimitchi back^-^

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Today has been a very good day so far.

To start off while I was waiting to see if ryusei would change this morning (which i'll get to in a minute) I heard Kitsune change into Futagotenshi^-^


Not exactly the cutest or one of my favorite characters but in order to get every character on it i had to get them eventually. Well this happened around 10:30am or so and since i wasn't in the room i don't have the exact time that kitsune changed but oh well. Now for ryusei, last night i found out he poops at 5 after the hour so since he pooped at 8:05pm last night before going to sleep I figured he would change either at 11am or 2pm like I said last night.

Well as I headed outside a few seconds before 11am i promptly heard the changing tune and looked down to see ryusei change into my beloved mimitchi^-^ Even though the last 2 times he changed at the age of 5yrs this time he changed at the age of 7, and mainly because i didn't keep him awake past his bed time at night.

Haku my newest tama is doing well also, but since i'm talking about him in the group hatch i won't say much about him except he got sick this afternoon signaling that in the next 12 hours he will be changing into his teen form. Before i go though I did manage to get a group picture of my three tamagotchi's for all to see^-^


So cute^-^

Update: Just a few moments ago my angel fell off my computer desk and reset itself... i'll miss my twin angels but i'm not ready to go for them just yet so i'll be working on getting another character this time around.

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Well, yet again i have failed with my angelgotchi. I started it up last night after the reset occured and after 24 hours it changed. Now i didn't feed it any chocolates and only filled his hearts to 1 each and let it beep before i cared for it since i was going for takoten, the bad care teen, and what did i end up with? kodoten. So i guess my plans have fallen through yet again so i'm going back for ginjirotenshi this time instead of reseting it.

Kinda a short log post tonight but hopefully i'll have more to talk about tomorrow night

This will be a quick update tonight yet again since i'll be heading out here in the next few minutes to hang out with some friends.

After last night i left kitsune's lights on all night, this morning i got up at an early 7am and woke all 3 of my tama's up early. I spent all day waiting till kitsune beeped for attention 3 or 4 times before caring for him and my efforts payed off! Around 6:30pm he changed into Ginjirotenshi again so i'm at least happy i got my sweet little ginji angel back this time.

After he leaves this time i'm again going for thw orst adult then the secret character and i'll make sure to let him beep more than once so i'll get the bad teen takoten next time to be sure of that.

It's been 4 days since my last log so nows a better time than ever for a new log!

After my last post not much has happened with ryusei or kitsune, where haku has had alot of thing happen... all of which can be found right now in the vintage group hatch thread here. I will say though that my efforts payed and i did indeed get my ginjirotchi on him^-^ Ah heck, i'll even post the pic i took of him after the change happened on thursday:


Isn't he cute? Yes, yes he is^-^ Since then not much has been happening... thursday and friday were spent inside since we were having high 90 and low 100 degree days here and on days like this i just rather stay inside than go outside at all. Yesterday though was a nice cool 78 degrees so i took all three of them and we went to the beach for a few hours.

While there a few people noticed them and they were amazed someone still had vintage tamagotchi's running, makes me glad to know other people still remember tamagotchi's, After a few hours there we headed back home and thats where we stayed the rest of the day, they listened to more music with me along with watching me play a few games online and a lot of net surfing.

Well, today started off on a sad note... the last few days Kitsune has been losing more tenshi power and hearts and taking more walks and asking for more praises than he has so far. Well this morning my dad wanted my help hooking up the dish we have to our network so i left them by my pc while i did this, it took us about 2 hours to do so and by the time i got back to them haku had dropped 2 hearts each, ryusei was down to 1 each and as i looked at kitsune he was crying. Sometime while doing this he must of beeped for attention and since i wasn't anywhere near him i didn't hear his cryies for attention and he left... i am a bit sad knowing that he didn't outlive my first ginjirotenshi but i'm glad he stayed as long as he did.

After restarting him i decided to try my hand at getting debirutchi and had enough luck to get him on the first try!


Can't actually care for him since he's considered a bad death character but i now know a good method to getting him. After snagging this pic i restarted him again and i'm giving him the absolute worst care i can so i can get takoten, after i get him i'm going for taraten and then sabotenshi since i've never had the cactus character before. I'll update this a bit later after he's gone to bed to let everyone know of his progress so far.

This is my update to the log i did earlier.

Since said log kitsune changed into maruten and i've been giving him some of the worst care i can, he's beeped at me a bunch of times today, and since i'm going for takoten i have no other choice than to let him beep at me a bunch of times before i give him any care. He should of gone to bed a few hours ago but ight now i'm keeping him up so maybe he'll change a bit earlier tomorrow, when he does go to bed though i plan on keeping his lights on all night.

And thats my update on kitsune, haku and ryusei to me seem to be getting needier by the minute today. In the time it took to eat diner he beeped for food 3 times while haku beeped twice at me... i'm a bit sad my first ginjirotchi is about to die and hate to see ryusei leave but i have no choice in the matter, when they both leave i plan on getting them back by the 9th of august since thats the day me and my family are going camping for 5 days and i want to have my sweet little mimitchi and ginjirotchi with me.

Since my last log a lot has happened.... a lot indeed.

That very night after posting kitsune changed into takoten before going to bed, and after another 24 hours of bad to average care while keeping his tenshi power between 36 and 39 he changed into taraten. Sadly though just last night he left me without a single sign of changing into sabotenshi... i still have no idea why he left me so early but i will try for him again in a few weeks, I restarted him this morning and right now he's back to being maruten.

As for haku and ryusei as i last said they were both extremly needy when i last wrote, well the very next day they left as well. I was rather busy getting stuff ready for our camping trip and kept them in my pocket, well they must of beeped at me for attention durring the 4 or 5 hours i was busy and i didn't hear them so by the time i checked on them they were already gone... i didn't even get to say my good-byes to them.

So the very next morning i restarted both of them and even though i've cared for each of them individually i've yet to care for 2 of them at the same exact time... and caring for a babitchi and shirobabitchi was difficult but i managed to do it. After a long hour both of them changed into there respective form... haku into marutchi and ryusei into tonmarutchi, since then though they've both received 4 disciplines and late yesterday afternoon they both got sick so as of right now i'm waiting for them to change into their teen form.

Since my last log quite a lot has happened, the very next morning both haku and ryusei changed almost right after they got up into tamatchi and tongaritchi while kitsune changed into kodoten. I gave kitsune bad care all day yesterday while taking perfect care of haku and ryusei and around noon they both asked for discipline bringing their bars to 75%, as usual i'm giving ryusei his last discipline while ignoring haku's... i want my mimitchi and ginjirotchi back for the trip on thursday.

After 24 hours though of neglect of kitsune and only managing to get his tenshi power down to 6 or 7 he changed this morning into my sweet ginji angel again^-^ I so thought i would end up with kuriten this time around but him changing into ginjirotenshi made me very happy and i hope he lives long enough to enjoy the entire camping vacation with me and my family. As for haku and ryusei right now i'm waiting for them to ask for their last disciplines still and then to get sick, which hopefully happens today so they will change tomorrow since wensday i'll be busy getting my stuff together for the trip.

Speaking of said camping trip i bought a new journal to take with me to log everything that happens to them while were gone... and this way i'll post it here when we get back.

Update: At 1:30pm both haku and ryusei asked for their final disciplines. Gave ryusei his while i'm ignoring haku's... now it's just a matter of waiting for them to get sick and then change^-^

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Update to my post earlier

Right after posting about haku and ryusei asking for their last discipline they both got sick and since then have pooped twice, so they will either change a little after 11:30pm tonight (keeping them up longer just for this) or sometime tomorrow morning.

Just as i figured last night both haku and ryusei changed into their adult forms around 11:45pm last night, of course ryusei changed into my long eared mimitchi and haku changed into ginjirotchi again^-^ I'm glad they both changed into these form since i thought i did a bad job caring for them in their child and teens form with all the prep work that i've been doing for the up comming camping trip.

Kitsune on the other hand is being cute as always, he's dropping about 2 tenshi points every hour or so and since i have a tendency to lose track of time when online he'll drop between 1 and 2 hearts in both hunger and effort in a 2 hour period. So since their all adults now not much will be happening, and cause of that i won't be posting another log till i get back from the camping trip.

Today's log will be about the last week (since i didn't write a log for a week), it might be typed over the next few days but never know if i'll just type it all today or not.

8/9/2012: Day 1 of the camping vacation started at an early 7:30am, my parents had to go get the camper they rented for the trip so since i had to get up that early i decided to wake haku, kitsune and ryusei up early too. Around 11am my parents were back with the camper and after quickly caring for my three tama's i helped loading it up, this took a good 3 hours to do but since my tama's are young enough they only lost a few haerts each and were otherwise very quiet and content for the whole time.

Around 1pm after we all rested up and had lunch we hopped into the camper and headed off to Fort Custer Recreational Area near Kalamazoo Michigan for our first 3 days of camping, well no sooner did we hit the open highway that the rain started coming down and after almost 3 hours of driving we arrived at our campsite with the rain still coming down. By the time 10pm hit it was still raining and since there wasn't much any of us could do we just went to bed.

8/10/2012: Day 2 of camping started at an early 6:30am for me and my tama's, what with going to bed so early the night before i just couldn't sleep anymore by the

time 6:30 hit. It's still raining outside and looked like it would be raining all day again but I didn't mind it since i had my tama's to care for, haku and ryusei are 9yrs old today and extremely easy to care for while kitsune at the age of 8 is a tad bit needy but thats to be expected from an angelgotchi.

7pm: The rain hasn't let up yet and cause of this we've been trying to find stuff to keep the boredom at bay, we played a few board games this afternoon followed by watching Sherlok Holmes a game of shadows before eating diner.

10pm: It's still raining pretty good outside and since my tama's are asleep now I won't be up much longer. Over the day haku got sick signaling that he's in the third stage of his life, ryusei hasn't asked for much and since he still so young and rarely asks for anything it's really easy to care for him right now. Kitsune on the otherhand is very needy right now, over the course of the day he asked for 5 praises and to me seems to be dropping hearts and tenshi power faster than a few days ago.

8/11/2012: This morning started at 7:30am with some light rain but after a half hour the rain stopped and the skies cleared finally so we were able to enjoy the outdoors^-^ So with that i grabbed haku, kitsune and ryusei and we went walking on one of the many hiking trails all over the woods near our campsite, we spent over an hour just walking before heading back to the site and it was good to have some quality time with all three of them since the last 2 days haven't been that good for any of them.

Kitsune today couldn't go more than 30 mins before beeping at me for either praising, his hearts emptied or to go for a walk (ok, he didn't beep for that but he did take a lot of walks today) and i fear he might not make it the whole trip now. Around 8pm i got a nice fire going and we all sat around listening to the sounds of the forest, cooking up smores and just relaxing all together before heading off to bed for the night.

8/12/2012: Today started on a sadder note, right as i got up at 8:30am i knew something bad would happen. I spent a half hour walking around the camp till 9am hit and my tama's woke up and no sooner did they wake up that kitsune left, i said my goodbyes to him and restarted him and this time i'm going for sabotenshi again. It was easy to give him the bad care he needed to become taraten again since today was our last day at fort custer recreational area.

12:30pm: Were now leaving the campgrounds and heading to Yankee Spring Recreational State Park for our last 2 days of camping, durring breakfast kitsune changed into maruten and right as we were leaving i ignored his first praise. Durring the trip out here ryusei got sick also meaning he's now in his third stage of life but so cute that i really don't mind when he does start getting needy.

2:30pm: We arrived at our new campsite right off of gun lake and this place is even nicer than the last place we were at. As soon as we were all set up here i got a nice fire going again, but it doesn't look like it will last very long since my dads phone shows mroe rain might be heading our way. Around 8pm kitsune fell asleep so i quickly woke him up so he'd change a bit earlier tomorrow.

8/13/2012: I woke up at 6:30am this morning and since that was a good time before any of my tama's would wake up i decided to wake kitsune early so he would change a bit faster, well he did indeed change faster cause at 7am he changed into takoten which is exactly who i wanted to get so i can try getting sabotenshi again. It started raining around 9am but it hasn't been heavy rain so we've still been going out on walks through the trails and enjoying the nice cool weather were having out here.

8:05pm: I guess waking kitsune up earlier this morning was a very good thing, at 9am i set his clock back to normal time and just after 7:30pm he changed into taraten^-^ I'm really growing attached to this character now and even if he doesn't change i'll be happy just to have him around again.

8/14/2012: Last day of our camping started at 8am, it's nice and foggy outside and even though i was up a whole hour before my tama's i still woke kitsune up early. So far we've been packing up stuff before breakfast cause as soon as we eat were heading back home.

10:10am: Right after we finished breakfast haku got sick again, it's sad to think he'll be leaving in the next few days but it's nice he got to spend some good time out in nature and not stuck in the house with 100+ degree heat outside.

And that ends the logs i wrote from the vacation, since then a lot has happened after getting home. Kitsune never changed into sabotenshi and like my first taraten he died at age 5 as well, so i'll try for him again soon but right now i'm working my way towards getting ototen (if thats even how you spell his name), Haku is rather demanding at the age of 16 but has yet to leave which i'm happy about and just yesterday ryusei got sick meaning he's close to leaving as well.

Now before i end this log I have a few pics i took while out camping i'm gonna post for all to see some of the places we were at^-^


This was one of the many trails we walked on


Just some random shots of woods and of course i could help the next one...


Those were all taken at fort custer while the next few were from yankee springs.


This is an update to my log earlier.

This afternoon while i was out mowing the lawn haku gave in and left, he was 16 yrs old and he was needing food and games every 5 minutes and he will be missed. I did rehatch him but this time around i'm going for the secret character on him since i've had the american one but not the japanese one. As for kitsune i've spent all day giving him really bad care so i could get oyajitenshi and my efforts payed off around 6pm.


Before he changed though i got a image of takoten coming back form a walk since i had yet to get a pic of that yet.


A new day and time for a new log^-^

The last couple days have been fun, i spent the last 2 days taking perfect care of kitsune in hopes of oyajitenshi changing into otonoten... well after 48 hours of perfect care he did finally change!


He's not exactly the cutest character but i had yet to get him so i'm at least glad of that, As for haku and ryusei there both doing well.... well at least ryusei is at the age of 19 today, very needy and if i forget about him he beeps at me every 10 or so minutes but i don't mind. Haku on the other hand has been having problems, yesterday i noticed that his sound was acting up... while playing the game it went mute a few times and i figured it's cause he's used and it would fix itself in time. Well i got up this morning and he had no sound at all, now mind you he changed yesterday into tamatchi and since i was going for maskitchi i was a bit bummed by this.

So i grabbed my screwdriver, took him apart and found the problem... one of his wires had fallen off. I managed to solder it back on after about 5 minutes and now it works fine again, i'm gonna have to be a bit careful with him now to make sure it doesn't happen again.

This will be a quick log today since not much has happened with my tama's.

Kitsune is 7 today and though he is a bit needy he's not that bad to care for, haku is only 2 and right now is at 75%discipline and either tonight or tomorrow sometime he should get sick then change into tamatchi again and ryusei is 20 today... i'm hoping he will stay with me all day since i've yet to get a single mimitchi on him to live past 20.

Right now i'm watching a few auctions on ebay and hoping that by the end of this month or the beginning of next month that i can get a few more tama's so make my collection bigger.

Update: I was hoping i'd post a bit more today but not with what i'm about to post. Just a few minutes ago ryusei started his death beeps, like my second mimitchi this died at 20 as well. We did have a fun 20 days together though so i'm not too saddened by this but i am still sad that he left me.

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Time for a new log post!

After my last post update about ryusei passing away i rehatched him and within an hour he changed into a cute little tonmarutchi again, well only shortly after that kitsune started making the same beeps as if he was asking for a praise... well instead of needing to be praised he was leaving instead. I started him back up right away as well and just like ryusei he changed into maruten after a hour or so.

I've been giving each of them different types of care this time around since i'm trying for a couple characters i've yet to get, on kitsune i did my usual bad care till around 6:30pm on wensday when he changed into takoten then average care all day yesterday till just after 7pm when he changed into taraten again. This time around i'm just letting him beep once before giving him care in hopes this will give me sabotenshi this time around, On haku i'm giving him perfect care but after he changed into tamatchi on wensday i've ignored his last two disciplines (which he asked for both yesterday) and now i'm just waiting for him to get sick and change into his adult form of maskutchi so i can try for the secret character on him.

Ryusei though is on the usual path of perfect care and catching all disciplines so i can get my sweet long eared mimitchi back, right now he's a tongaritchi and is at 50% discipline since he only changed yesterday afternoon while i was out and about doing stuff.

A new day and time for another log!

After my log yesterday nothing exciting really happened except ryusei getting his first discipline durring the afternoon and later in the evening haku got sick, today though has been rather eventfull tamagotchi wise. I figured shortly after getting up haku would change and i was right on as usual, at 10:30am he changed into...


Maskutchi^-^ Now i'm trying my hand at getting the japanese secret character... and with my track record it might take me 3 tries to get him too, which brings me to kitsune... now the last 2 times i got Taraten i missed out on getting sabotenshi and he always seemed to die at the age of 5yrs old, today he is 5 and my fear all day so far was that he wouldn't change like the last 2 times and that later on today he would die and i'd have to try again.

Well while i was playing shadowland online i heard the familiar changing tune coming from my pocket and i pull all three of them out to see kitsune was changing into....... (gotta love the dramatic suspense huh?)


Ta-Da, Sabo-Tenshi^-^ I'd like to thank Stefke2108 for the helpful advice on getting him, since all my other attempts failed. Now i only have to catch ryusei's last discipline then wait for him to get sick and change into my sweet mimitchi once again... along with (hopefully) getting haku to change into the secret character.
