Can I get a new one please?
I loved my other, but I want a change.
I don't know if you can do this, but please try.
Put a panda in the middle, and on the sides of it, can you put a smaller version(so it looks farther away)of the panda on one side, and a black bear on the other.
frontpandadetails:Can she have a flower in her hair,pink boots(with black pom poms) and a pink shirt.
sidepandadetails:Can he have brown boots and a purple shirt.
sideblackbeardetails:Can he have a green shirt, and black boots.
Other:Right on the bottom, in a readable color, can it say munches96?
Your avvies are the best! I know that you can do a great job! Please!?!?!?!?!
Thank YOU so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1