We are destroying the globe people!


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Feb 16, 2007
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Climate change is the greatest threat facing our planet. Humans are causing climate change, and humans can stop it getting worse. We can keep our planet healthy for future generations by acting on climate change now and reducing our greenhouse pollution.

What's causing the problem?

Across the world, human activity is causing climate change by adding huge amounts of carbon dioxide (C02) and other greenhouse polluting gases to our atmosphere. The biggest source of greenhouse pollution is the burning of fossil fuels - such as coal and oil - for energy.

Why is the planet warming?

The Earth is wrapped in a delicately balanced 'blanket' of gases. Like a greenhouse in a garden, this insulating layer traps heat from the sun, and sustains life.

Human activities, particularly the generation of energy from fossil fuels, are adding significant amounts of greenhouse pollution to the atmosphere. This pollution stays in the atmosphere for many decades.

Greenhouse pollution is making the Earth's 'blanket' unnaturally thick, resulting in heating up the planet, otherwise known as global warming. This heat trap is also causing many unusual and dangerous changes to our climate and weather systems, best described as climate change.

An unfair share

In Australia, coal-fired power stations are the biggest single source of greenhouse pollution. Because of our huge reliance on coal to generate electricity, Australians are the highest greenhouse polluters, per capita, of all the developed countries.

How do we solve the 'climate crisis'?

We can stop climate change, but only by making major reductions in the amount of greenhouse pollution we create. To cut pollution, we need to drastically change the way we use and produce energy.

Individuals, businesses and governments need to become much more energy efficient and to stop wasting energy. And we need to invest more in clean, renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power. Read more about "renewable energy".

Renewable energy is available now, safe for the environment and good for our economy. By dealing with climate change, we have an opportunity to make Australia a world leader in renewable energy and create thousands of jobs and export opportunities.

Climate change - what does it mean for Australians?

Australia is particularly vulnerable to climate change - environmentally and economically.

We already live on the driest inhabited continent on earth. Climate change is making most of Australia drier. We are already experiencing more severe droughts in the bush, and water shortages in our cities.

Climate change is bad for our economy, and bad for our individual hip-pockets. In 2006, Cyclone Larry, severe drought and bushfires wiped billions off the Australian economy. These costs flow through to ordinary Australians in many ways, for example, increased food prices and higher insurance premiums.

If we don't take action, climate change will worsen

If we do nothing about our changing climate, Australian scientists at the CSIRO estimate that temperatures in Australia could be up to 2ºC hotter by 2030 and up to 6ºC hotter by 2070.

As temperatures increase we can expect:

More frequent and severe droughts, bushfires, floods and storms

Increased deaths from heatwaves and flooding and higher incidences of dengue fever, malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases

Damage to our farming and tourism economies as crops fail and attractions like ski fields, the Great Barrier Reef and Kakadu disappear

Wildlife extinctions as habitat changes or disappears

No one on this earth would want any of that to happen. This world is ours and if we don't save power and cut down on energy, the world will also be manys graves.

it's not that cold... but then I probably wouldn't know, I've never been abroad...

Eh, I'm guessing your talking about global warming wich is in fact only a theory.

I'm not saying that you are doing this, but on first hand expierence in my persoanl life, people forget that it is a theory but say it's fact. You might be thinking, 'well you talk like your religion is fact when it's really not proven!' but there is a difference between science and religion. Science is supposed to be the standard of thinging, example, the Big bang or evolution. But religion, well it's not pushed on by society. Sure, it's pushed on my individuals or groups, but not tought in school as fact [in most cases].

Anyway you put it, if it's fact or not, you can't ever stop it.

The only way to stop it is... well impossible.

You can't help that cows stomachs at times are 'upset' much less tell all the humans on the earth that you can't use electicity, or drive to work.

Yes, respect the earth. I personaly [note I said personaly meaning myself] believe that God made the earth and the animals so I need to respect His creations. I believe when He comes back again, and 'the old earth passes away' there's nothing going to stop that.

Now, I'm not saying the whole cycle of things may not be true, but too me is fairly irrelevant because if Jesus wants to come back, He'll come back- nothing will stop Him.

I'm off to do more research on the touchy topic. :D

There is no proof. The earth naturally goes through cycles. Don't worry about it and don't listen to your teachers. They have a very narrow mind set. It's so embarassing the things you hear about in school sometimes. It's rather shameful really. Teachers are supposed to be trustworthy but they are just people who pass along faulty info that has been beaten in to them.

Even Al Gore is getting major flack for that joke of a movie he put out.

I have fossils on buttes on my land in Montana. How do you think they got there? It's a grazing wasteland now but was once a vast sea. The earth changes. Don't worry about it. There are way better things to think about. :D

That's just my opinion. I don't know who is right or wrong, but I believe that there is such thing as global warming and all that. Did you know that my home city just had the hottest day in 20 years!!!?? A worker even fried an egg on his shovel because it was that hot. There is proof for that. It was on the front cover of the paper, "Hottest day in 23 years"

Once again, this whole thing is only my opinion. I'm not saying you're wrong or right. You might be wrong, but you might be right too. We'll just have to wait and see.

My mom told me something about the New York Times writing something about Gore and his movie.


I just glanced through it, so I am not to sure if I am totaly agreeing with it, but from one I saw, I did agree with.

Basicly it says Al Gore's movie was exagerated.

“I don’t want to pick on Al Gore,” Don J. Easterbrook, an emeritus professor of geology at Western Washington University, told hundreds of experts at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America. “But there are a lot of inaccuracies in the statements we are seeing, and we have to temper that with real data.”

[Note, thought I should add this.]

he he he. This year, the coldest records have been broken. how can this be the cause of global WARMING? its just how the earth is. (ice age for example... it just got really cold, no one CAUSED it.)

Did you know that in the '70's there was major worry about global cooling and talk of another ice age? -- Thought I'd throw that out there. ;)

Just last month, a global warming confrence was called off here because it was so cold. It was nasty cold (Minnesota) I suppose it was stupid to schedule it in February.. But it was even colder than normal.

Did you know that in the '70's there was major worry about global cooling and talk of another ice age? -- Thought I'd throw that out there. ;)
Just last month, a global warming confrence was called off here because it was so cold. It was nasty cold (Minnesota) I suppose it was stupid to schedule it in February.. But it was even colder than normal.
Do you happen to know when the temps were really high in I'm thinking the 1930's?

I'm trying to find info on it but it all seems so biased I can't get anywhere.

We all know what were doing to this earth, and it's going to come to and end at some point.. SO I don't feel the need to read alot of information on it.

But anyways, we are getting a drought here in Tennessee, so the weather is changing alot... Too much..

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I agree there is evidence that global warming is taking place. We don't know how much of the current warming trend is caused by humans vs naturally occuring climate cycles. Nevertheless, the things that we are told to do to reduce global warming are good advice since they primarily reduce air pollution.

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