Waz up? I really need friends


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New member
Sep 22, 2005
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Hello anyone out there??

I am alitte alone here and need friends

Becca? Are you from my school?

i'm also new i just joined

do u by chance know how to get the pic on the very right? :unsure: :wacko: (which u have)

like the Bad Badtz Maru thing

do u want to be my friend coz i'm lonely :ph34r: :lol:

Pwinstar123 <_< ;) :D :p

do you wanna be my friend too? coz i'm lonely :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Hey! Sure I'll be your friend! Thanks for liking my avatar, I have more of these kinds of pics if you want any...

I know, it's a little confusing when you first join. But try to not spam. :rolleyes:

^What the-?

I didn't even add a link to that thing! Ok, there's to much pop-ups. That means there's a virus! gOSH, i THINK a big onwe.....ok my computer is messing up. i g2g...!!no wait , i didn't mean to do the weird letters.. i got to go the compo is too messed up!!!!

^What the-?
I didn't even add a link to that thing! Ok, there's to much pop-ups. That means there's a virus! gOSH, i THINK a big onwe.....ok my computer is messing up. i g2g...!!no wait , i didn't mean to do the weird letters.. i got to go the compo is too messed up!!!!


You're computer seems to have a virus from what you have been saying. You should reboot it.

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