My way of keeping my tamas safe around little kids is I wear them on a lanyard around my neck so I know it's okay. If little kids do play with them I keep the lanyard around my neck still so I can keep an eye on them and make sure my tamas are safe.
Oh my, my son will be two this October. We went through that phase too. He dunked my mom's IPhone 4 in the toilet. It was moreso her fault since she let him play with it without watching and then didn't put the bathroom gate up. I felt bad for her but come on Mom, you raised my brother and I, you should know this. She's forgiven him and she certainly hasn't let him near the toilet with her valuables since.Lol i have that same problem, i have two boys, one three and one just over a year old, the three year old knows what he's not allowed to touch so he's fine, its the one year old thats all the trouble, last week I had to go to my 'garbage' bins, pull out two sacks of waste and bring them in the house to search through to find my V2, believe me that is gross. Found it in there though, hes going through a stage of "lets put everything in either the bin or the toilet" so I have to keep close tabs on everything!
Oh man, I must have gotten lucky, the only time my kids have EVER put anything in the toilet was at my mother in laws house (I swear shes evil...) My daughter, who is going to be 3 this week, put her favorite hair brush in the toilet... *hehehehe...* As for anything of value, I keep it high up, or in my pocket. My son who is almost two is pretty good with things, i do occasionally let them play with my Iphone 3gs or my tamas but I am the one holding them and I decide when they are not being nice. They like to watch the little animations, my son loves the little beeping but my daughter likes to feed them. The sooner they learn what is mine and what is there's the better. However, I have met some really, really, really bad mannered toddlers and older kids, they are never fun to deal with, especially when their mother sits there and does NOTHING. I am sorry but I would never let my kids take someone elses toys unless they said to my kids in front of me "This if for you. Here" Otherwise, not going to take it home. When I was 13 my parents gave me a cell phone so I could call them when I was at a friends house and wanted to come home, I wasn't good at sleep overs apparently I got terrified and wanted to go home a lot, anyways my best friends little sister (she was a terror, she would color their cats nose with marker and then me and my friend would get in trouble...I have horror stories upon horror stories of her) took my cell phone and kept it. I went home and couldn't find it, so my parents asked my friends parents to look for it. They told my parents that they didn't find it, a year later they did find it, in their car...which I had never even been in. This same girl also stole a whole bucket of chalk and my jump rope and I am sure a bunch of other stuff. Lets just say, my parents don't talk to them much anymore.Oh my, my son will be two this October. We went through that phase too. He dunked my mom's IPhone 4 in the toilet. It was moreso her fault since she let him play with it without watching and then didn't put the bathroom gate up. I felt bad for her but come on Mom, you raised my brother and I, you should know this. She's forgiven him and she certainly hasn't let him near the toilet with her valuables since.