Waking up in the morning


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It depends really. During the summer, I used to wake up any where from 10-12.

But now that I have a dog, I feed him in the morning. So he comes and wakes me up (by jumping onto my bed and sticking his wet nose in my face). And that's around 7:30 every morning, give or take a few minutes. But then, I usually fall back to sleep and don't wake up till around 11 AM. But now I've been staying awake...since 7:30.

That's my elaborate summer wake-up plan.

During school? 7-7:30.

During the summer? 11-12:30.

This morning I woke up at noon. :ph34r:

Different times...I usually either stay up all night or

go to bed late. I know if I got to bed at 3:00 AM I wake up around

10:00 AM. If I fall asleeo at 6:00 AM I'll wake up at 1-2:00 AM.

Sometimes I stay up all night and day and if I do stay up all night I

usually go to bed at around 7:00 or 8:00 and I'll sleep till 5:00 PM. :ph34r:

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12ish - 1ish

Lawwl, sleep. @D

When i've got to go to school I wake up 8am. :ph34r:

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During the school year I usually get up at 6:30. I'm not so sure what time I'm going to be getting up this year, though. I'll just have to see when I get there to see what time would fit into the morning schedule.

During the summer it varies depending on the day. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:30 Tuesday: 6:00 Thursday: 7:00/6:30 (I usually wake up earlier than 7:00 and just get up because I can't sleep) Saturday (with meet): 6:00 Sunday (no meet): around 9:00 Sunday (with meet): 6:00

Extremely rarely if we have a far away swim meet and we want to have a long enough warm up, I'll have to get up at 5:00. But that's only happened three times :ph34r:

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9:00-11:00 AM. I always go to bed very late so I wake up late in the morning. Twice before I actually slept in all the way to 1:00 in the afternoon.

Whenever the sun shines. It's sooo hard for me to wake up late.

Basically 6:30 (exactly.) everyday. Sometimes I'd wake two minutes off the next day.

currently waking up 9am or later. i may wake up like reeeaaaly early, but fall asleep right away.

I always wake up at 6am each morning.

I know, very early, but I've always been an early riser.

Around 9. I got up at 8 today to go somewhere.

I need to get up at 5:30 when school starts =|

I wake up on school days at 6 am, even though school starts at 8, and its only up teh street. I take awhile to get up, dressed, breakfast, all that.

In the summer? Before my Tamagotchi, about 12, or so. With my Tamagotchi? I set my cell phone alarm for 6:58 so I would get up before them, but normally I fall back asleep for a few [-coughfivecough-] hours.. Heh.

But I live, I love to stay up late and get up early.. xD I fail at being normal.

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