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August 8th (Part 2)
And, of course, this is a Tamagotchi game, so next up were those timeless fireworks. Then, Goob and Guriguritchi were literally dropped in front of a church, from the sky, where they smooched and then rode off in a classy convertible with cans strung up on the back. There was quite the procession of characters for them to drive past, too, some of which I hadn't even seen in the game (or anywhere) before, so it makes me wonder who exactly was in charge of sending out invitations.
((Still, it was nice to see some classic characters like Mimitchi and Oyajitchi in the crowd.))
When the couple arrived home - and it was a different home than the one I raised Goob in, by the way - they wasted no time in producing an egg. Man, these color Tamagotchi work fast.
They cuddled around it to keep it warm, which was pretty freakin' adorable, and it wasn't long before the star of Gen 2 popped out!
She gave each of her parents a kiss on the cheek, and then the whole family group-hugged. Goob even held her up in the air Simba-style.
Then, much to my own surprise, I had the option to give this new Tamagotchi any name I wanted! I had been wondering how this feature would work, since "new" Tamagotchi characters would be born in the M!X. Her default name was "Gozaruguriguritchi", which was pretty literal. But I was like, nah, let's be creative about this. Since she is literally the spawn of an acorn and a ninja, her name is Akonintchi: acorn + ninja + tchi. I may occasionally call her Akonin for short.
And, of course, this is a Tamagotchi game, so next up were those timeless fireworks. Then, Goob and Guriguritchi were literally dropped in front of a church, from the sky, where they smooched and then rode off in a classy convertible with cans strung up on the back. There was quite the procession of characters for them to drive past, too, some of which I hadn't even seen in the game (or anywhere) before, so it makes me wonder who exactly was in charge of sending out invitations.
((Still, it was nice to see some classic characters like Mimitchi and Oyajitchi in the crowd.))
When the couple arrived home - and it was a different home than the one I raised Goob in, by the way - they wasted no time in producing an egg. Man, these color Tamagotchi work fast.
They cuddled around it to keep it warm, which was pretty freakin' adorable, and it wasn't long before the star of Gen 2 popped out!
She gave each of her parents a kiss on the cheek, and then the whole family group-hugged. Goob even held her up in the air Simba-style.
Then, much to my own surprise, I had the option to give this new Tamagotchi any name I wanted! I had been wondering how this feature would work, since "new" Tamagotchi characters would be born in the M!X. Her default name was "Gozaruguriguritchi", which was pretty literal. But I was like, nah, let's be creative about this. Since she is literally the spawn of an acorn and a ninja, her name is Akonintchi: acorn + ninja + tchi. I may occasionally call her Akonin for short.